
"That's not fair..." Johnson said making Samantha giggle.

"It's fair, hubby... Order yourself... I am not gonna give you mine." Samantha replied.

"Ohh really?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

Johnson got up from his chair making Samantha raise her eyebrows and he walked towards her side making her frown. 

"Huh?" Samantha asked as Johnson sat close towards her. 

"What?" Samantha asked and Johnson moved even more closer to her and kept his hand on her cheek.

"Johnson... What are you doing?" Samantha asked and Johnson kept his fingers on her lips.

"Baby..." Johnson said making Samantha look at him.

"Yes?" Samantha asked.

"You know that I love you a lot right?" Johnson asked and Samantha looked at him with his small innocent eyes. 

"Why are you asking me this right now?" Samantha asked and Johnson shook his head.