"Leo..." Zailn called making Leo raise his eyebrows at him.
"Please... Stop everything... This is nothing to easy to play... And you did someone a promise... What about that?" Zailn asked patiently and Leo laughed out loud.
"That promise... I don't know... I don't think... It will ever bother him... I can explain him things later on..." Zailn cut off Leo in mid-sentence.
"You can't just do that... This is something serious... His promise doesn't mean to you anything? Just it doesn't matter to you anything? It really doesn't?" Zailn asked.
"I don't understand why are you just so brothered about it? I am not at telling you to give me a hand in this and help me in anyway... I am just taking my revenge... You Shouldn't at all care about me when you have a lot of works to look after!" Leo said as he rolled his eyes that makes Zailn angry but he is trying his best to control his angry on Leo but he just couldn't take this anymore and shouted at him so badly.