Leo's Revenge!

"Haha... Hahahaha..." Leo laughed out loud as he rolled on the bed laughing and his people watched him as they gulped down their saliva in fear.

"Boss..." A guy called him but Leo just kept on laughing making them scared the shit of him.

"Oh my god... Hahaha... Hahaha... I can't stop myself... Hahaha..." Leo laughed out loud.

"Boss..." He again said making Leo angry and Leo suddenly grabbed the flower vase from the bed side table and throws at the guy's face and he falls down whincing in pain.

"Ahhhh..." That guy shouted.

"You... You are seeing what I am doing right? Why are you trying to spoil my good mood?" Leo shouted angrily at the guy who is in pain. 

"Shut your bloody mouth!" Leo shouted making the guy shut his mouth even though he is pain. 

Leo looked at the other guys who are present in the room and saw their scared faces.

"Take him out!" Leo said with a stern face and two guy lifted him up and took out out of the room.