Anna is beautiful like her mother!

"Johnson..." Johnson cut off Samantha in mid sentence as she sighed.

"Samantha, I know that she is dead... But, how did she passed away?" Johnson asked making Samantya take a deep breath. 

Samantha looked down at Anna and caressed her hair as she took a peaceful sleep in her arms.

"He is right! She really looks so beautiful like her mother." Samantha said as she looked down at Anna by caressing her hair. Johnson took a deep breath as he looked at Samantha.

"Samantha, I asked you something else..." Johnson said making Samantha look at him.

"Johnson, I don't think you should know about this..." Samantha replied.

"Why not?" Johnson asked.

"Johnson, these things happen a long back ago... I don't want to know it to anyone... It just should buried inside me..." Samantha answered.

"Samantha, I am not going to tell anyone... It will bury in me too..." Johnson replied making Samantha take a deep breath.