Proud of Son's.

"I am so proud of my son's right now..." Robert said as he got up from the couch making Johnson and Lucas turn his head towards him.

"Lucas and Johnson... You just are so good. I know, Lucas just behave immature... But this guy is way different..." Robert said as he chuckled making Lucas and Johnson smile.

"Yeah, Uncle Robert..." Lucas replied.

"Thomas, we really have a great son's." Robert said with a smile making him smile at him.

"We do. We do..." Thomas replied as he laughed and other joined him.

"Guys, let's think about what we should do right now..." Lucas said making other nod their heads at him.

"I don't think, we can do anything right now... Because we still aren't at all sure about what is happening and who is that person that is following Brother and SIL... But we can just have some security on them and call out a private investigation on this..." Martin said as he looked at Robert and others and they all nodded their heads.