Rushing things?

"Thank you, Johnson... Thank you for making me understand about these things... Maybe, I am just rushing things..." Lucas said and Johnson nodded his head in yes.

"Maybe you are... Or maybe not... You should know about it according to your relationship but understand that every person need some time to open up to their beloved. And it's not easy to some... It wi surely take some time... But they will at last... Because they need you to in their life." Johnson said and Lucas nodded his head in yes.

"It just been a month... Give her more time to figure out about these things... Since this is her first relationship... She is just might bbe confused about things that are going so fast with you..." Johnson said and Lucas nodded his head in yes.

"Yes... I will... I want to talk about this to our parents and see how they react about this... I need them to understand that I am serious about Quency and I have intentions on marrying her!" Lucas replied.