Cutie Anna.

Everyone let out a laugh as she saw how curious Anna looked with the conversation that was going on... 

"Argh..." Johnson said as he got up from the couch and took Anna in her arms making Anna look at Johnson with a frown.

"Dadda... What happened?" Anna asked with an innocent face.

"Nothing, My love... Aren't you sleepy? It already your bed time." Johnson answered.

"No." Anna replied making everyone frown at her.

"Huh? What no?" Johnson asked.

"Grandpa Thomas and Grandma Elina was talking something... I want to listen to them!" Anna answered looking at Thomas and Elina who had a shocked face.

"I am really sorry..." Thomas said as he smiled sheepishly as Johnson looked at him with his eyebrows raise.

"Me too... Take her and make her sleep... Hahaha..." Elina replied as she laughed out loud and others joined in the laugh with her.