You're my wife!*


"She is asleep!" Johnson whispered and Samantha nodded her head in yes with a smile.

Johnson laid her beside him and covered her with the comforter. Samantha caressed her hair while Johnson kissed Anna's forhead and then Samantha kissed her forehead.

Samantha looked at Johnson as she felt his eyes on him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Samantha asked making Johnson smile at her. 

"I need you..." Johnson said looking into Samantha's eyes making her blush.

"Umm... What are you waiting for then?" Samantha asked as she looked into his eyes.

"Let's go our bedroom!" Samantha said making Johnson smile.

He got up from the bed and Samantha was about to when She saw him walking around towards her making her frown.

"Huh?" Samantha asked as Johnson bend down to her level and took her inti his arms making her wide her eyes.