Silly thoughts.

"Good morning, Sam. Good morning, Johnson!" Everyone greeted Samantha and Johnson as they both walked inside the dining room.

"Good morning, everyone!" Samantha and Johnson said at a time with a smile.

They sat down on their chairs and started having their breakfast with everyone.

"Sam... Heard that your employees repsonded positively yesterday?" Robert asked.

"Yes, Dad... They responded positively." Samantha Answered.

"That's really great! They are so loyal and trust you!" Thomas said and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

"Yes, Uncle Thomas... I hope, I don't disappoint them!" Samantha replied.

"You won't, Sam. Believe in yourself!" Jessica said with a same and Samantha nodded at her head smiling back at her. 

"And..." Robert said making them look at him.

"And today is the 30th anniversary party of Rengvo Companies in Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels." Robert said making Johnson raise him eyebrows at him.