Beautiful memories!

"No... It will be very less... Even though, I tell you thank you... Hundred times a day! You really made my life so beautiful... Since, I mett you... It has been so beautiful... Its only been 3 months and 2 weeks but still, this 3 months and 2 weeks feels like 30 years happiness. I guess, this is enough for me... I guess, this is my happiness... I can live so happily through out my life with all these happy memories you gave me, Johnson. Thank you for everything!" Samantha said as she looked into his eyes as another tears falls down from her eyes. 

Johnson took a deep breath and caressed her hair. 

"Don't tell that... I need you for this life time and not only for this life time... But every life time... I need you and I only need you... Whatever that consequences I need to held... I will held them on me proudly... Just because, I need you in my life! If not you, there is no Johnson..." Johnson said looking into her eyes making more tears falls down from her eyes.