I want to help you!

"But... Why would you help me when you have something that is against Samantha and can get her easily?" Mia asked making Leo take a deep breath.

"I can have her easily... But, I feel bad for Johnson after I took away Samantha from him... I need someone to look after him and that will be you! You will be his." Leo said and Mia just kept staring at him.

"Why would I trust you on this?" Mia asked.

"Because you need Johnson right now... And you have nothing but to take some help from Someone who Samantha hates the most in this world... And that is me!" Leo Answered making Mia just stare at him.

"Why does she hates you?" Mia asked making Leo sigh.

"You don't have to know everything... If you want Johnson... Just let me Knows... If not... It's your wish... You will lose an amazing chance to get him." Leo answered as he stepped back from Mia making her sigh.