Leo is dead!

"Sam... Leo is dead a long back ago..." Alexi said making Samantha wide her eyes.

"Huh?" Samantha asked.

"Sam... Leo is dead. He is not alive..." Alexi answered making Samantha realise that Alexi still doesn't know that Leo is alive. She cursed herself for talking like this as Alexi might get doubt on Samantha.

Samantha cursed herself for not being cautious... 

"Sam..." Alexi called her again and again...

"Huh?" Samantha asked.

"What happened?" Alexi asked.

"Um... Um..." Samantha stuttered.

"Are you alright?" Alexi asked.

"Umm... Yeah... Yeah... I am." Samantha answered.

"I don't think so... Is something wrong?" Alexi asked.

"Umm... No..." Samantha answered.

"You sure?" Alexi asked.

"Yes... Yes..." Samantha answered.

"If you say so..." Alexi replied.

"Umm... Yeah!" Samantha said. 

"Sam..." Alexi called again.

"Yeah?" Samantha asked.