I don't right about Mia's behaviour.

They both walked towards the small house again and Seeing the beautiful swing, Samantha walked towards that and sat on it making Johnson smile.

"You know, you don't have to do all these... A small Romantic table would be enough to keep me happy!" Samantha said as she started swinging and Johnson walked towards and walked behind her.

"Do you think, I don't know that?" Johnson asked making Samantha look around towards him.

"I know my wife well enough and I also know with what she will be happy... And small date would keep her more than happy but I want to show you how special you are to me every single time whenever I get a chance." Johnson said making Samantha smile. 

"Well... I should do something like this too... It's my responsibility too show you how special you are for me." Samantha replied making Johnson sigh.

"I already told you... Didn't I?" Johnson asked making Samantha smile.