I want my wife alive.

"Samantha…" Johnson yelled, making the security guards gathered around them protecting them.


"SIL…" Alexi and Martin yelled at a time as they both walked towards her….

Samantha was about to close her eyes but Johnson yelled her name again…

"Samantha… Open your eyes, please…" Johnson yelled as tears rolled in his eyes as she saw blood coming out of her back…

"Samantha…" Johnson yelled again, making her breath deeply and she nodded her head as she was falling unconscious. 

"Samantha, please, don't cl;ose your eyes…" Johnson yelled.

"Sam…" Alexi said as tears started falling down from her eyes.

"Samantha…" Liam and Cassendra yelled as everyone came towards them.

"Joh… Johnson…" Samantha said as tears rolled from her eyes with pain.

"Yes…" Johnson said as tears fell down from his eyes as he had no idea how Samantha got shot.