I feel guilty.

Johnson walked and opened Sanantha's room door as he took a deep breath. He lowered his head down as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

He slowly looked up at Samantha to see her attached with the wires which made him a tear falls down from his eyes.

He never ever wanted to see her in this stage again ever... But he got to see it again... All over again after... She tried for her suicide. 

He promised to take care of her... But what had he done? He again bought her back to the same position she was before? 

The same situation that he never wanted her to be again ever? 

He just feels so guilty for everything that Samantha is going through right now... 

He just feel so bad for her. If he didn't love her then she won't have been at this stage right now... He is the reason that bought Samantha to this stage... And right now, she is in a situation that no one knows if she will survive or not!