I will kill him.

The last 25 chapters were published for

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"How is Samantha?" Peter asked as he ran towards the VIP lounge. 

"She is fine... Go and meet her. She is inside with Johnson." Damon answered and Peter nodded his head and walked towards the door. 

He knocked the door before he opened the door and walked inside to see Johnson and Samantha smiling at each other. 

"Sam..." Peter called making her look at him.

"Peter... Come." Samantha replied with a smile and Peter walked towards her with tears rolling down his eyes.

"Peter... Why are you crying?" Samantha asked as she wiped off his tears away from his eyes.

"I am sorry... I am really sorry... I don't know that he is alive... If I know then I would have..." Samantha cut off Peter in mid sentence.

"If you know what would you do?" Samantha asked.

"I would have killed him." Peter answered with anger.