Back to the Happy Family.

"Let's go and have dinner. Everyone might looking for us." Johnson said and Robert nodded his head.

The three walked to the graden while Johnson kept his hand around Samantha trying to make sure that she is careful and doesn't hurt herself again.

"Ohh... Where were you, Robert? I was looking for you and these two?" Jessica asked as she looked at him with a frown at then at Johnson, Samantha.

"Is everything alright? You look as if... You cried?" Jessica asked as she kept her hand on his arm.

"Don't worry... I am alright. I just need need to use restroom. I will be back in few minutes." Robert answered and walked away from there. Jessica just stared at him as he disappeared from her eyes and then turned to look at Johnson, Samantha.

"What... Happenedy?" Jessica asked as she is not sure if she should ask them or not.