Alexi Martin Wedding?

"They are here..." Lucy said as she stood up from the couch.

Peter smiled at them as he walked towards them.

"You okay?" Lucy asked as she cupped his cheek.

"Yes, Mom. Do not worry about me anymore." Peter answered with a smile and Lucy chuckled.

"How will I not? Huh?" Lucy asked and Peter hugged her tightly.

"I am sorry, I made you worried I think." Peter said and Lucy shrugged as she squinted her eyes.

"Maybe... A little." Lucy replied and they laughed. 

"Sorry... I won't do it anymore. I will just talk out with you from next time if anything brother's me." Peter said and Lucy nodded. 

"Let's go." Lucy said as they all say down on the couches.

"Everything's alright?" Samantha asked as Johnson sat down beside her taking Anna in his lap.

"Yes. Don't worry." Johnson answered and Samantha smiled as she nodded her head at him. She kept her head on his shoulder as she wrapped her arm around his arm.