A Gready Mia for Love.

"Wh... What just happened?" Mia asked herself as she looked down at her phone.

"Fuck... What will happen now? What should I do? What he was talking about? What proof? What the hell is going on?" Mia asked herself as her hands went through her hair. 

Her heart was beating fast and her body was on fire. She doesn't know what is going on but her hands and legs were shaking.

"What he was going to do? What will happen?" Mia kept asking herself as she blinked her eyes.

She wanted to call back that person and talk to him again but unfortunately she can't. She can't dial that person. She wishes, she at least have his number. She sighed thinking what should she do right now. What if he was saying truth and he have an evidence to prove that she is someone partnered up with Leo and tried to make them apart and that she is involved in Leo's plans? 

Everything will mess up for Mia and she will be buried beside Leo's grave for sure.