Guilty Angelina.

Angelina was walking around her room while James just stared at her as he kept his hand on his forehead.

"Angelina." James called but still, she just walked around her room.

"How long will you keep walking like that?" James asked.

"I don't know... What I am supposed to do right now, James? Am I the reason that this messed up?" Angelina asked worriedly as she looked at him.

"You are not. You are not the reason for any messed up thing, Angelina. I don't know why are you thinking like that... But, trust me. This ain't your fault. You are just trying to take care of your family and keep the nasty people away from their lives." James answered as he sighed looking at her.

"But, just because I triggered Mia and provoked her... She killed an innocent man. How can't I feel guilty about it?" Mia asked and James just stared at her.