I want to Protect Martin.

Johnson was looking at the frames on the wall where there are beautiful pictures of Samantha, Alexi and their parents. 

Just then a knock disturbed them and they turned their head to the door. It was immediately opened by Quency who is holding their coffees.

"Here is your coffees." Quency said as she walked towards them.

"Thank you." Alexi replied as she took her mug and then Johnson took his mug.

"Thank you, Quency." Johnson said as he smiled at Quency.

"No worries." Quency replied smiling back at him.

"I will leave now... See you guys later." Quency said and Johnson nodded his head. 

Quency walked out of Alexi's office closing the door behind her back and Johnson turned towards the pictures observing carefully every little thing in the pictures and smiling at the beautiful captured pictures. 

"I guess... You guys really had a beautiful childhood." Johnson said as he took a sip of his coffee.