I will Stay away from Martin.

"But, what about the video where I am trying to kill Leo comes out? You know how risky that can get to anyone of us?" Alexi asked and Johnson nodded his head in yes.

"I do know... How risky it can get but that doesn't mean that we will let you go easily. You are in this. We are in this together. We will fight this together. You suffered. Your sister suffered. We will bring everything to light if things gets out of hands." Johnson answered making Alexi sigh.

"Johnson, you really don't understand. People will get me wrong. Most of the people think, I am a murderer. Martin and his name will be ruined because of me. I don't want to risk his life or career because of me." Alexi said.

"You are not risking anyone life or career, Alexi. That will never happen. I promise." Johnson replied grabbing her hand and squeezed her hand.

Just then, Johnson phone rang. He sighed and took out his phone from his suit pocket. 

He smiled seeing the name on the screen.