
You hesitantly shook Taehyung's hand feeling a wave a electricity through your body. Not knowing that the man standing in front of you would be the cause of your happiness in a few months time.

You looked at the boys and gave them a small nod without smiling at all.

"I don't have any problem if you wanna eat here, I was about to leave anyway." You said coldly.

"No it's OK, you came here before us.", Jin said sweetly smiling at him.

You looked at his face and said, "No thanks, I prefer being alone."

"Well, as you wish."

They bowed at you, smiling and you bowed back maintaining a cold attitude. After that you picked your stuff and cigarette up and walked out. After walking out in the completely empty hallway you sighed and lit up your cigarette, putting it at your lips and bringing it down after taking a puff... Unaware of the fact that there were 7 pairs of eyes fixed at you.

[ Jin POV ]

I knew she was lying, all of us saw her smoking. I sighed turning towards the members to see them all open-mouthed looking really shocked.

"From her face it does not look like that she would be the kind of person who smokes." Suga said.

"Ya, she has a very innocent look." Kookie said looking at me.

"Well don't judge a book by it's cover, she seems like a girl who just wants to grab our attention to me." Tae said as he sat down to eat.


You walked over to the Art class and sat on one of the stools listening to music looking at the students who had started coming in the class, chatting loudly. Few of them gave you dirty looks, while some of them completely ignored your existence. You lay your head on the desk and closed your eyes, before opening them once again. Someone had tapped you on the shoulder. You looked at the girl with a blank face. The girl was really cute and pretty tall. She gave you a real smile before sticking her hand out for you to shake. The girl was just too cute that you let your guard down and smiled sweetly back at her.

"Aneyong, I am Kim Jihyun, nice to meet you.", The girl mumbled, rather shyly.

"Aneyong, I am Elena Claire, transfer student, nice to meet you too." You smiled.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, You spoke up, "Well what say, friends?"

"Seriously?", The girl asked shocked.

"Yes, ofcourse, Why?"

"It's just that, Everyone is saying that the new transfer student is too rude to even spare anyone a glance."

"Well, that's not true, I am only nice to people who I think, aren't fake and two-faced."

"Then we can be the best of friends, cause I am none of those.", Jihyun squealed as she dragged you to your seat. "Lets sit together." She said as she put yours and her bag on the chairs.

You had a great time with Jihyun the next three classes, you found out that you both had the same classes.... what a coincidence!! Plus you both had same interests and hobbies. Jihyun had a very funny personality and she made you laugh until you had a stomachache. She made nasty comments about the Queenkas of the school, which made you crack up.

You even found out that you had Art, Music and Dance with BTS. You completely ignored their existence and they seemed to be doing the same. 'Huh, showing their true colors aren't they' You thought as Taehyung glared at you..... The rest of the day went really well and unexpectedly enjoyable thanks to Jihyun.

As you walked out of school with Jihyun, you saw a BMW pull up in front of you, you panicked thinking that it was your driver. Maybe he forgot that he was not supposed to pick you. But the driver bowed at Jihyun and Jihyun nodded and was about to enter the car when you interrupted her,

"Yours?", You asked.


" I have a question J (nickname you gave her)"

"What is it?" She asked sweetly.

"Why did you befriend me? You are pretty, cute and rich, you could have had better and more friends than me.... Then.....Why me?", You asked hesitantly.

"I thought you would know! You are really sweet and just like me you want friends who are reliable and aren't fake. After all it's better to have 1 friend who helps you through thick and thin, rather than 10 who insult and do not respect you. And don't refer to yourself like that. I don't like it. You are special and I can feel it..... Now cheer up and have a good day."

"Oh and Let's go out tomorrow.", She added as she stepped in the car.



The car zoomed off as you stood there, teary eyed, looking at the car, thinking about the heart warming answer the girl gave you.