
Was my heart beating because of the fall....


Was it because of Elena???

You dragged JJ after you while running and stopped outside your class, trying to catch your breath and calm down.

"Will you tell me why the hell are you running away??? I mean you just fell on him right, What's the big deal? Why did he look so shocked?", JJ asked confused.

"I'll tell you..... But not here.", You mumbled running towards the rooftop."FOLLOW ME!!", You shouted and JJ jogged after you, groaning at the amount of exercise.

Once you reached the rooftop, JJ bombarded you with questions again. You asked her not to tell anyone and you both locked your pinkies. You told her about everything that happened and whatever you were feeling right now. You told her how you couldn't control yourself and kept staring at him, how you couldn't help but admire his beautiful facial features, how he leaned in and you couldn't help but do the same as well.

You finished speaking and saw JJ with her mouth wide open listening to your story. You kept silent for a while waiting for her to erupt..... and she did.

"OMG!!! SO YOUR'E TELLING ME THE KIM TAEHYUNG HAS A CRUSH ON YOU?!? NO WAY.... WAIT YOU LIKE HIM TOO DON'T YOU??? OMG YAAASSS THE FEELS!!", She screamed as she did a weird dance and jumped up and down.

You blushed a deep red at her comment, but succeeded in composing yourself. "No way. I DON'T LIKE HIM. After all he is a jerk! I was just caught in the moment I guess..... and so was he. Yeah, that must be it.", You shrugged and sat down.

"Oh come on!!! I know your'e lying. Your cheeks give it away.... ELENA AND V, SITTING IN A TREE.... K-I-S-S-I-N-"

"Shut it!!", You hissed, glaring at her, covering her mouth with your hand.

"WOAH!! Dude chill I was just joking.... But still I ship it. Your ship name would be....Vlena!!", She exclaimed running away from me 'cause I was already chasing her down the stairs.

She screamed sorry and you ignored as you made her run through the corridors, the students looking at you guys as if you both were crazy.

At last you caught her panting and smacked her head before going to class with her. You both were a bit late, but, meh... who would dare say anything to the school's owner's daughter and her friend? The teacher just smiled at you and asked you to get seated. You both greeted her and bowed and sat in your seats, giggling slightly. The rest of the periods you just studied. You and JJ went to the rooftop to eat and noticed that BTS did not come up at all. 'Afraid to face me now... Is he?', You thought as you smirked and sat down watching JJ eat and politely declining whenever she offered you some, You see you still had to follow the diet chart.

As soon as the bell rang, you ran over to your locker to get your art supplies. You goofed around the next three periods with JJ, not giving a damn about the ugly remarks that you were getting. You avoided BTS for the next three periods.

As soon as the bell rang which indicated that school was over, you waved at JJ who was already seated in her car. You were about to walk to 'your' black van but someone grabbed your hand and dragged you to the empty garden....

Who could that be??