
You completed your homework and got ready to go to bed. Surprisingly it was already pretty late and you called JJ and informed her that you wouldn't be going to school tomorrow and said that you were sick. After that you just laid down, counting sheep till you flew off to dreamland.

You were woken up by your maids at 7 am in the morning, preparing everything for the big day. You directly went to the bathroom to wash up. Once you did so, you were rushed to the vanity to get ready. It took you 2 hours to get fully ready after which you ate pancakes for breakfast.

You left your mansion and reached the hotel at 9:30 am in your black limo. You checked all the arrangements along with Jack, and waited for all the guests and paparazzi to arrive. The event started at Noon and you walked upon the stage elegantly, smiling gracefully at the audience.

The event was being held in the hotel gardens, after the ribbon cutting you would enter the hotel, where the guests will be served and you will meet all of them personally before starting the dance with the biggest business man of Korea. You hadn't personally met him, but you knew that he was called Mr. Kim.

"Thank you so much all of you to join our little celebration. Your company is highly appreciated.", You ended your speech with a dazzling smile as paparazzi clicked away madly. You went back to your seat and after a few more boring speeches it was finally time to cut the ribbon.

You elegantly walked towards the huge hotel doors with guests and paparazzi following behind. You were handed a huge scissor and you cut the ribbon while everyone clapped. You entered the halls and internally smirked at everyone's amazed faces when seeing the interior of the hotel. The 'Woods' enterprises'(company name) were known for their elegance and classiness but you guessed that they were not expecting something so great. You noticed that some were even afraid of dirtying the rich interior.

You walked towards the stage while grabbing a glass of Wine on your way. "May I have your attention please", You said while tinkling the glass with a fork. "Thank you everyone for your patience and cooperation. Lets start the party shall we? Toast to the success of the Woods' enterprises!", You said as you raised your glass and hundreds of glasses were raised.

You came down and everyone continued chatting. You hated theses sort of parties, where you had to act all gracious and even eating and drinking with your pinkie sticking out. You looked over at Jack who was waving at you in his tuxedo. You walked towards him and gave him a hug.

"Yah!! Don't dare steal my man away from me!!", Jenny joked as she came forward to hug you.

"JENNY!", You exclaimed and hugged her before teasing them both.

"You look so cute together... Steal your man huh?? Jealous much?", You smirked and teased as they both blushed. You talked with them for a bit before Jack pulled you to meet the important guests. Well he is your PA after all.

You walked behind him meeting and talking to new people. You sighed as you thought 'This is so boring!!'... But you still maintained your smile as you made short and sweet talk with all of the guests, leaving excellent impressions behind.

"Pstt... It's time to open the dance.", Jack whispered in your ear before leading you towards a well-dressed elderly man. The man gave you a warm fatherly smile. He reminded a great deal of your father. You smiled back and shook [ JUNGSHOOK ] his outstretched hand, trying to fight back tears, thinking about your family.

"I am Mr. Kim... Well we already know who you are, don't we?", He smiled but stopped doing so as he noticed your watery eyes. "What's wrong?", He asked worriedly.

You replied with a nothing but he insisted so you told him the truth saying he reminded you of your father a lot. He sadly smiled and said something that melt your heart, "Imagine that I am your father for today.", He said sweetly, patting your head. You thanked him and held the hand he offered for the dance. He guided you towards the center of the hall and you both started slow dancing at the soft music. You both talked and laughed. He acted just like your father.

Till now a lot of people had started dancing, including Jack and Jenny. You looked at the couple with shining eyes and smiled softly. "Elena-sshi...", Mr. Kim said

"De?", You answered back.

"Do you mind dancing with my nephew for a while? I raised him like a son since I don't have one, he is the heir to my company... After all You know this old man can't dance for long without tiring himself.", He chuckled and led you to a group of seven boys as you obviously said yes. As you came near the group your eyes widened as you recognized them as BTS. You smiled sweetly at them as they noticed you, and you swore that some of them blushed.

Mr. Kim gave your had to Taehyung as you internally groaned and V shyly smiled. You bowed at him and the others and they quickly got up from their seats and bowed back. You pulled V to the dance floor and started dancing. You could tell that he was extremely nervous by the way his hands were shaking and the fact that he was maintaining distance from you. You giggled as you noticed his members giving him teasing smirks and he glared at them. You sighed and pulled him closer, which made him shookth. You smiled at him and adjusted his hands around your slim waist as the cameras clicked away. You put your hands around his neck... With your faces so close, you could see the red tint on his cheeks.

"Umm... Do you remember me? I mean-"

"Yes I do. You are the group from the mall. BTS am I right?", you cut him and asked. He looked shocked yet pleased that you remembered and he stuttered shyly, "Would you l-like a d-drink?"

"Of course sweetie.", You said in a very sweet yet business type voice.

He nodded and left to get drinks. You walked over to Jenny and Jack who were looking at you and you could tell by their faces that they had been watching your actions.

"Ha! Never thought the bold BTS who NEVER do their homework and talk back to me at school would be shy little girls in front of you.", Jenny snorted as you and Jack giggled at her comment. You glanced at BTS and saw them and V fanboying so hard.

"Look over there.", you asked the two as you smirked.

"Go talk to them. I am sure they will probably die of your presence.", Jack said.

"HEY! Your supposed to say that to me not her... Your MY boyfriend!!"

"Baby you get jealous so easily don't you?", Jack chuckled at his pouting girlfriend and kissed her on the lips.

"Yah!! No PDA in front of me!!", You exclaimed acting all disgusted, "Ew... Get a room.", you said as they both blushed and you walked away chuckling after earning a slap on your shoulder from Jenny.

You walked over to the group of boys and were about to tap on V's shoulder when Jungkook pointed towards you for his hyung.

"There's s-someone at your b-back", He teased his hyung, stuttering just like V had when he had asked you for drinks.

V spun around a bit too quickly and Everything happened in slow motion... You gasped loudly. All of the guests and paparazzi were looking at you silently... And then...

