
But V on the other hand, did not react to his hyung's scolding at all. He was too surprised by the way the girl had acted. After all, No one except the boys had ever done something as sweet as that to get his attention.

"ELENA?! WHERE ARE YOU DAMNIT?!", Jihyun screamed as she ran around the school grounds in hopes of finding you lingering around, trying to ignore that that Jerk and his friends were running behind you to try and help.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, LEAVE ME AND MY BEST FRIEND ALONE!! I DO NOT WANT YOU AROUND HER...", Jihyun raged at the boys who were taken by surprise and was about to continue the search when she was spun around by a hand on her wrist. She was about to remove the boy's hand from hers but stopped when she glanced at the look of helplessness and guilt on his face. With a sigh to calm herself, she motioned him to speak up.

"Look, I know your mad and I don't blame you since I most definitely deserve it, But I'm really sorry.... I thought she was like those desperate girls, trying to get our attention, But now I know that I was wrong. I really want to make it up to you guys... Please....", Taehyung tried to reason with the woman, voice desperately trailing off at the end of the sentence.

"Fine...", Jihyun groaned, unable to resist the boys cute, sad face.

"Thank you so much!!!!", Taehyung exclaimed pulling the girl into a short side-hug before running off with the other boys, who were laughing at his childish behavior.

A look of disgust made its way on the girls face as she annoyedly screamed, "YAH WAIT UP..... Aish...", As she sprinted to keep up with the boys.


You hummed to the soft music playing in your ears as you threw your head back, resting it on the soft leather of your van a.k.a. limousine. A groan escaped your lips as you tried to get in a more comfortable position. You were about to close your eyes when someone gently laid your head on their shoulder and you cuddled up on the person's side trying to get comfortable as a chuckle left their mouth.

"You look stressed, What's wrong?", Jenny asked as she started running her hand through your hair causing you to hum in satisfaction, leaning in to the touch. Jenny grinned, knowing that her best friend had a soft spot for people running their fingers through her hair.

"Nothings wrong Jen..", You mumbled causing her to frown.

"Don't lie to me missy, I am your best friend and I know exactly when your sad or stressed."

"I'm not sad, not even stressed to be honest it's just that-"

Your phone ringed causing you to cut off your explanation in half. You glanced on the screen of your iPhone X, sighing on seeing Jihyun's name flash. You hesitantly picked it up, regretting it as soon as you did as the girl screamed on the other end.


"I'm with friends, why what's wrong?", You replied calmly, trying to ignore the voices exclaiming on the other end, saying that you picked up.... Voices that you knew oh too well.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY WHATS WRONG?! GIRL, YOU RAN AWAY CRYING SO BAD AND I'VE BEEN TRYING TO CONTACT YOU EVER SINCE THEN... You knew how worried I was?", Jihyun replied, Voice turning so soft at the end of the sentence that you almost didn't catch what she said.

"Hey.... I'm OK. Calm down first of all and DON'T scream, Okay?", You replied gently, a smile beginning to form on your lip's at the concern of your friend.


"Anything else you wanna say?", You asked as you got out of the van to speed walk towards the gym as you were already in the proper attire, trying to sweep past the paparazzi with the help of your bodyguards.

"Yeah, Bangtan, Well, Taehyung wanted to talk to you.."

"What? Why?", You asked confused as you stopped in your tracks only to be ushered forward by Jack.

"He wanted to apologize... He feels very guilty for what he did... Look don't say no, I know that you are mad but he looked really desperate.", Jihyun mumbled, putting the phone on speaker as to let the boys hear as well.

"Who said that I was mad? I admit that his words hurt me but really I'm definitely not angry at him, or anyone actually... J I can't force anyone to like me. If they want to continue treating me like they used to, I'm completely fine with it. I won't complain anymore....", You replied with a hint of sadness in your voice, breaking the hearts of the people on the line.

"Ella.... Taehyung has realized his mistakes, He really has, trust me.... Listen. How about we guys hangout and clear out any misunderstandings!?", She answered excitedly, trying to lighten the mood causing you to chuckle.

"Hmm... Sure..", You mumbled causing the boys and Jihyun to cheer loudly making you smile.

"ELLA! MAKE IT QUICK IDIOT!!", Jack yelled opening the doors of the gym for you to enter.

"Yah!! Don't call me that!", You replied, annoyed as he guided you where the staff was standing in a straight line. Ignoring your friend's comment on your English.

"Why is it so loud where you are? I can't hear a thing", Jihyun asked obviously implying to the previous shouts of the paparazzi and the loud music of the gym.

You pulled Jack to the side where it was pretty quite, Giving a look of apology to the staff, which got waved off with reassuring smile. You were about to reply to her but you lost your shit right after hearing what she had to say afterwards.

"OMG ARE YOU AT A CLUB?! AND WHO WAS THAT BOY WHO SHOUTED AT YOU... WHAT ARE YOU HIDING YOUNG WOMAN?", Jihyun questioned, a hint of mischief in her voice.

You audibly faked puking into the phone causing the boys and Jihyun to laugh at your silliness.

"Eww... ", You faked a gag as Jack asked what was wrong.

"My friends think you and I are a thing..", You replied, still gaging, putting the phone on speaker.

"Eww What the hell dude?? I have a fiancé?!"

"Whoops.. my bad.. Hehehe", Jihyun chuckled awkwardly before asking about the loud noises in the background once again.

"Oh never mind them... I'm out... For a party, Yeah!! It's my cousin's.... Birthday?", You replied, glaring at Jack who had the most judging look on his face, as you heard Jihyun mumble a soft 'Liar'. Ignoring her you proceeded by saying.

"Look I'll call later, Okay? I'm kinda busy at the moment...", You said tying your hair in a pony tail handing your phone to Jack, who held it out in front your mouth as the girl continued, "Sure! Enjoy your time at your COUSIN'S BIRTHDAY PARTY", Jihyun exclaimed, putting special emphasis on the last three words, causing you to roll your eyes at her childishness.

"Whatever...", You mumbled before wishing her a good bye and hanging up.

You took the phone back from Jack, grinning mischievously down at the device.

"Well you look like your in a good mood.... Any specific reason?", Jack asked as you let out a low chuckle.

"Ofcourse there is a reason... I just learnt what a great actress I am..", You smirked at him before walking back to the middle of the room, towards the staff, Leaving a confused Jack behind.