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Powerful Idiots!

The world of spirits… nothing more could be gained here, so I focused my attention to travelling using a small mobile base, upgrading the 'Rig' making it look like a miniature death-star extending it to a 2 km diameter. It was now fully armed and upgraded, lacking in weaponry compared to 'Arcadia' but it's main function was still the same boasting a very strong defensive territory and defensive capabilities.

Still even its defensive capabilities were rather lacking compared to its true purpose and considering my next step, it would face combat very soon.

Granted the power to go through dimensions wasn't all that glamorous either. Having gone to some pretty backwards worlds was a pain, nothing to gain and having to wait until the energy was within acceptable levels to jump again. There were times where Earth didn't exist at all and I had to jump again as soon as possible so as to not stray too far off from the original coordinates.

That being said I ended up in some rather peculiar worlds, one of them being a magic world that by scanning I came to possession of some Dragon Bones and DNA. I collected as much of this type as possible as I couldn't tell the difference between them. The bigger should be stronger but just to be safe I collected some smaller ones too.

'You can say that that big dragon wasn't all that welcoming. While it clearly had intelligence it wasn't all that smart. It was full of himself which is how I tricked it into getting inside 'Rig'. He thought it was a throne I made for him… to bad 'Rig' is a mobile containment facility. Buffed to the maximum with territory realizers making it almost impossible to get out once your in… though getting an almost 1.5 km dragon in wasn't exactly comfortable. Once it was in I used 'Mystletainn' on 'Arcadia to target it's weak spots by getting 'Rig' to open specific parts of the territory at different times, firing the cannon multiple times near its heart. It took 2 days to kill the Dragon and it was worth it. '

Either way there not many skeletons of Dragons which led me to believe that while some may have left the world or simply they aren't that many that existed in the first place. Either way this would give a good boost to my body in terms of evolution potential and guarantee an overall strong body. Just in case I had started work on seeing if I could synthesize more primary material for my body. The strongest magicians blood was very easy to recreate but Dracula's on the other hand was almost impossible on its own. Seeing this I had no choice but to create a temporary brain dead body using Dracula's blood.

It was a success as it wasn't a complicated process. With this I started working on another body incorporating the traits of the dragon bone I had gathered. After separating the weak ones form the strong ones I found out that the big dragons where certainly more powerful but didn't have any trace of magic. The small ones mainly had special features, some having a different breath attack and some poisonous scales.

Nevertheless creating a body from Dragon DNA seemed troublesome. Quite a few monstrosities were produced trying to find the correct human-Dragon DNA ratio. Dracula's blood was very helpful in this aspect, lowering the chance of mutations, increasing the chance of success due to its regenerative powers. Infusing the DNA of World's strongest mage helped developing the brain's processing power to a great degree, surpassing the limits thanks to the strong body granted by the Dragon's DNA. While it was still not equal to my current processing power it wasn't that far off.

'Truly the world greatest mage, she is only limited by her mortal human body… I am not.'

But nobody said that just because biological evolution has more prospect, mechanical evolution didn't have its perks. So how to combine the 2 without carrying around a mechanized walker (mecha) or having to do unnecessary changes every time?

'Simple… nanotechnology. The same nanotechnology that allowed my broken frame to repair but not limited to that. True in a machine the use of nanotechnology is somewhat limited but on a human body? It will increase my reaction and recovery speed, They can carry extra amounts of energy and self-replicate so when taking damage I don't need to worry about losing nano-machines. They can also direct certain aspects of my evolution and provide real time data on the status of each part of my body. If it detects a foreign surge of energy inside my body it can repel it on its own using my energy without me needing to pay attention to it. '

'Though the most important part is the Realizer attached to each nano-machine. It will allow me to use the abilities without needing all that gear.'

As I started the construction of my new body combining different traits I was surprised to learn that injecting the nano-machines first seemed to act as a stabilizer between the different types of blood. This way I could control their merging in details and not miss any hidden dangers.

As the body started to be constructed I decided to jump again and this time landing in another medieval looking world.

'Wait those aren't knights… did I land in japan? No I am pretty sure the language is Japanese but… who the hell are those 2 idiots screaming?'

As the ship entered stealth mode I decided to get a closer look using one of my soldier's body.

As I got closer I could see the intensity of the battle raising, from hand to hand battle to using different techniques some producing fire and some trees.

The battle continued to escalate without stop nearly decimating the frame I was using from sheer shockwave. Seeing this I decided to return it and observe the battle from above using 'Arcadia' in stealth mode.

'So the legends are true… this idiots do really yell all the time about stupid stuff in the middle of the batllefield…'

'Do you really think that if it could be solved with words you would be fighting now?'

Madara: "Hashirama!!!!"

Hashirama: "Madara!!!!"

'Again… I can understand screaming the names of techniques but why the fuck do you scream each other names? Do they swing that way… is this tsundere? If it is they are taking it too far, it might even be yandere-tsundere combination.'