WebNovelHIS HOOR26.32%


They sat still looking at the water for sometime, but then hoor started straightening her legs, bringing them out of water .arhaan could see her feet callaused , indicating that she had been dipping her feet from a long time now .

Arhan held her legs and changed her angle , hoor was only able to gasp at his doings .he placed her her legs on his tighs and started giving her foot massage softly .

"Arhaan please .... " she said , her cheeks were tomato red .

" why are you looking so dull? I took you , expecting that it will make you happy?" Arhaan asked trying to take her mind off the foot massage.

Hoor looked at him with her big grieved eyes , as if asking him to see everything in them, she wont be able to see it .

"You trust me? " arhaan asked on a whisper .hoor quickly nodded her head but tears started filling her eyes .

Arhaan pulled her closer " whats wrong , angel? " he asked cupping her face .she was practically sitting in his lap, now .

" i didnt want to go .i ..i dont like to feel that i am unwelcomed ." Hoor said , tears had started falling , her cheeks had gone redder , her lips trembling .

" you dont like it there? "Arhaan asked and she quickly shooked her head ." You wont ever have to go there again " arhaan said and pulled her in his arms.she hid her face in his chest .

Arhaan kissed the top of her head and took her to bed .when they were settled down , hoor mumbled" i never expected our marriage to be like this ".

Arhaan frowned and said " what were you expecting then?"

" ummm...you hating me for entering your life forcefully or simply ignoring me ...oh i was also content with you ignoring me " hoor said remembering .

Arhaan's frown deepened ,he pursed his lips "why? " he asked.

"I could expect you being so sweet to me .it still feels like a dream to me .and being ignored is better than being hurt"hoor explained .

" you deserve every good thing in the world .take a look in the mirror and you will know that its impossible to hate you " arhaan said caressing her cheek.hoor smiled as if she couldnt believe him.she didnt say anything else amd decided to sleep.

Next day, arhaan was in his office , when his secratary informed that mr siddiqui wad here .

arhaan had called him for a meeting ,arhaan let him take a seat infront of him.

Mr siddiqui was really happy .he was thinking that arhaan had called for collaboration in more projects.but he didnt know, what was waiting for him.

"heres the profit , my company made from our deal.i just wanted to inform that there would be no bussiness taking place between radhawa and siddiqui empires "arhaan said handing him a check. He didnt want a single penny , his company made due to the collaboration with them.

"What...why ? "Mr siddiqui asked in a state of shock.

"Nothing bad .i just dont want to be involved with my in laws in bussiness ."arhaan said making a lame excuse and got up." I have an important meeting in some minutes .i will take my leave first " .

Mr siddiqui clenched his hands , he couldnt do anything at that time.

In the evening, amal had called him.she was returning in some days for arhaan's reception.

"How s the girl?" Amal asked casually .

"Her name is hoor ,not girl"arhaan said dryly .he knew that amal wasnt aware of the change in situation, but he still didnt like amal calling hoor like that.

"Oooohhhhh! Is that so ? "Amal asked teasingly .

"Yes sis! I was wrong about her.she is innocent "arhaan said, amal could hear the adoration dripping from his tone.

He shared bits and pieces with amal and as a result , she was even more excited to return.