Aliana And Raven Childhood

Aliana spoke to the doctor, he referred to the backdrops of her health and recommended to at rest for at least a month.

Aliana agreed to Doctor's recommendations and told will look after the possibilities of improving her health.

As Raven dozed off, Aliana cozied in corner of the ward, submerged back to childhood.

****Raven was brought up in a rich normal orthodox family, she was the only daughter of her parents. Unfortunately, Raven's parents passed away in a car accident 16th birthday of her.

Aliana was brought up in a modernized family, even she was the only daughter of her parents. After Raven's parents passed away, Raven was brought up by the Aliana family. Aliana was actually a family friend of Raven's family. They played together met when the school holidays were.

Raven's relative wanted to possess property after Raven's parents passed away. It was Aliana's Father who supported Raven and stopped relatives from possessing her parent's property.

Aliana & Raven studied further in a remote village, where Aliana was staying for years. Raven overcame the disaster of losing their parents, Aliana parents gave the same love and affection as her parent's.

Aliana and Raven wandered through farms after school, played in open fields. Swinged together with other village girls made fun of old people imitating them from behind. Ran overwater passages splashing water on farmers. Farmer chasing them for their naughtiness. They both slowly took farmers' food, ate half and kept half. Pucked fruits, vegetables, and flowers, mali is used to chase them.

Raven and Aliana's tired turban made hairs as mustaches, spoke like village head. Both girls were the most notorious and lovable girls, they became the talk of the town. Both helped villagers old ladies in their chores, when they were in leisure.

Both were free-willed highly spirited girls, like two soul sisters. Aliana's father was a village panchayat head, educated girls till 12th grade, for further both had to move another place to study. Aliana's father asked both girls about their wish for further studies.

Aliana chose to study in Japan at Osaka University, she wanted to be a techie freak to help farmers in India. Raven choose to be in acting school, as she wanted to be an actor since childhood.

Aliana's father made arrangements for both girls. Made admission at respective colleges and hostel facilities. Aliana and RAven departed heavy heartedly for further studies. But always made sure to meet once in a year on holiday, enjoyed the days flocking around the village.

Aliana shook back, as Raven coughed...

Aliana:" Raven what happened, do you want water?"

Raven: " Yeh, my throat dried up, please".

Aliana gave water to Raven, as she sipped water down.

Raven: "What are you doing Alaina, you did not sleep?"

Aliana: " You take rest, I am just comfortable, Morning will see what to do, go back to sleep".

As Raven went back to sleep, Aliana cozied back in the corner and fell asleep too.