Aliana and Raven escape plan

Aliana: " Raven, you still have something to share that hurt you".

Raven: " I don't understand, I am feeling lonely and alien out, I am successful in my career. I have enough money not to bother, But still."

Aliana: World out is same in all fields Dumbo, whether it is corporate, educational field, manufacturing field, name it. Nothing is changed, it all same old wine in a new bottle with different flavors.

Aliana consoled Raven" Failure is not the end of the world." Let it be physical or emotional.

Raven: Aliana please re, I want to go to the village, for god sake understand.

Aliana: Raven but we have to come back to review, your stitches have to heal, traveling... might be difficult.

Raven: Please re...

Aliana: Ok, ok, I will speak to Mr.Sigal, who is going to win for a vampire.

Raven (laughs): Yes, you Dracula...

As Mr.Sigal entered completing discharge formalities. Raven and Aliana expressed to move to a village directly escaping spy eyes of media, as Raven wanted to avoid media due to health & mental issues, she was facing.

Aliana had an idea, She plunged.

Aliana: Raven do you remember MI, Tom cruise used a prosthetic to look alike a villain.

Raven: Ya, I remember, But what do you mean?

Aliana: Wait I will explain.

Aliana called Mr.Sigal to a side and spoke to him.

Aliana: Mr.Sigal as doctors are advised to keep Raven from negativity and far from media for she is facing a lot of psychological trauma. I don't want her to face media for a while. I request you to call any prosthetic artist who can make a different face, just for someday, so that she can recover. She personally does not want to go apartment. I will take her directly to the village, please book a taxi in my name. Please can you make an arrangement, by the end of the day? As it will take time to discharge. She is my responsibility, I will not give up on her till she is healthy.

Mr.Sigal: Ok mam, I will make arrangement for travel, We have one prosthetic makeup artist, I will call him in priority, He will make. Do you want me to call them here?

Alian: Yes Mr. Sigal it will be helpful.

Raven: Aliana, what are you silent whispering, no icecreams allowed in the hospital that to jumbo for my Dumbo.

Aliana: Raven.... classy pathetic massy joke.

Mr.Sigal arranged all per Aliana, booked a taxi in her name. The prosthetic artist sent a mask and assistance to help Raven.

Aliana asked Mr.Sigal to leave early as Aliana will take Raven escaping from the prying eyes of the media.

After discharge Aliana took Raven in front of the media. As the media could not recognize the masked beautifully disguised Raven.

No bodyguards, no assistance only Raven and Aliana sat in Taxi.

Happy Raven could not hold her tears, She burst out in Taxi. Aliana consoled her.

Aliana: Hey! see no one can recognize you, you should be happy. And thank MI Tom cruise for an idea.

Raven: It is my happy tears, I could not hold.

Aliana and Raved bid goodbye to Mumbai as they traveled to Native.

Aliana messaged Mr.Sigal and thanked him for arrangements and will keep him informed about Raven's health every day.