07. Aliana and Raven's leisure

Aliana had to extend her leave, She mailed to her office extending her emergency leave. Here Raven spoke to Mr.Sigal told him to handle some more days. Till then Media had spiced up the story as Raven went into trauma and is seriously shifted to ICU as hospital authorities are not allowing anyone.

Listening to this news Raven was confused but laughed at how the media utilizing somebody's problems as a story.

Raven had not stepped outside since she arrived in the village. Now Raven was able to hold and walk, So Aliana decided to take her out.

Aliana: Raven sit in a wheelchair, I will take you out, we will see the village, how it is now and even our farm also.

Raven sat, they went slowly on the rough roadside.

Aliana: Bumpy ahead hold on tight.

Raven: Aliana don't make fall into slurry mud

Aliana speedup wheelchair got tired, left Raven inside the road.

Raven: enough tired, You promised, that's it.

Aliana: eating healthy food you have become plumpy, you fatty.

Raven: You fatty, dinosaur.

Both saw a swing hanging from the big tree aside, a small girl was playing swing. Aliana suddenly plunged, I will be next.

Aliana: Dumbo lets see who will be the first to reach swing.

Raven dragged herself to reach first. Both swung with little one by one, remembering childhood.

Aliana: Raven see lunch, villagers are about start come na.

Same as old static mind blogged and ate farmer lunch, farmer chasing them from behind you naughty girls, thieves ate our food. Aliana and Raven reached as far as they can as Raven can only lymph.

Aliana: Look cycle tires race and small marbles match come.

Raven: Wait re, let me catch up, you are just a*****.

They raced with small children rounding cycle tires, played with fingers the marble match. Evening they sat near the lake of the village enjoying lovely sunset and calm breeze.

Aliana: It is been a long time, I missed these days, I was so immersed in work and home, like I was prisoned.

Raven: Same here, Shooting late hours, dumb parties, showoff events, around the clock maintaining your image of on-screen. I was felt, isn't I am human, is not I have to behave human. People portrait you a life-changing Idol. Isn't it is my right to be human-like others, are actors aliens, we can't make mistakes. why is media making us Gods, which we are not? I just play a role in entertaining for just three hours, you enjoy me clap for my talent. I want to be human again. paparazzi is ok for some time, not preying into somebody's house. What I am eating, wearing, cooking, dancing, fed up yaar. Show business is for my talent not for my personal life right.

Aliana: I agree with you Raven, why can't you bring up some idea to change, to put forward your thought. Don't just give up in life, Media is just a medium. Just ignore it, Which is necessary and informative, or to make necessary changes, take it.

Aliana: In Japan, Everyone is a celebrity they respect there privacy, even a common person there respect you inside privacy. Without permission, they don't enter. We should adopt a little bit of that culture. In the olden days in case of somebody trespass, they were prisoned or punished, even now in the west and middle east they still follow.

Raven: I am still hoping India one day will.

Aliana: Surely it will step forward, maybe some will follow, a little change is better than doing nothing. Come it is late, Tomorrow we have to be back to Mumbai, your stitches should be removed, you need rest. At last, I can see some glow on your face.