10.Raven's Successful world.

Raven returned heavy-hearted to India, taking back all fresh memories. Aliana kept her promise despite being busy with her work she often called Raven, asked her whereabouts.

Raven took Aliana's advice completed her film projects, took very lightly the media. But she wanted to make a change. Raven won many Filmfare awards and Oscar awards acclaimed a reputed actors fame.

Raven took an initiative to change a small world. She started a media company named after their friendship Venlia - cloud. She recruited a journalist, who loved to explore truth than falsehood. Raven made strict rules, that journalists will not interfere in a personal matter of Celebrities, let it be a politician or a film star or industrialists. In case to approach they have to take the permission of celebrities.

Not to paparazzi or stock or disturb them. Raven took initiatives not to make celebrities God. As they are also human, have life and family. they too have emotion, that can troll up and down. It should be their creative side to be in limelight, not their personal lifestyle. As we don't like anybody gossiping about our bad or negative, when somebody boasts about our good action, we topple up in nine clouds.

Initially, it was difficult for Raven, as people's mindset was for masala gossip. Slowly the youngster's followed her supported her. Raven was strong to put forward her ideas. she made clear that false media gossip can ruin somebody's life and career too. There were many celebrities all around the world who took a life, because of gossip, failure in their career, media made it hard for them to recover from their failure and mistakes. Instead of support, it was pinpointing.

Raven took another level of media, she started to portrait economic problems. Asked viewers and the public to support and solve issues. With Aliana's help, Raven wanted to solve the water problem in villages for irritation. Raven had seen with Aliana a Japanese or Inca's technology where they can store rainwater. They made channels which would reach an underground big like football ground. Which was stored when rained and can be irrigated the water. These small steps made Raven a huge celebrity.

Raven won again many awards her ideas were improvised acclaimed in many places in the world. Raven and Aliana made awareness about psychological issues and economical issues which the public can resolve by themselves instead to put forward to government officials to work.

Like making park in each locality with tress and playground for children instead of a tall building. Lake in every locality to preserve rainwater to resolve water issues to little level.

Raven and Aliana maintained their friendship till the end. Raven wrote in her biography." Everybody has one inspiration in life to move forward. I was always inspired by you Aliana, you are my inspiration. They were many movements, where you could have lost in darkness. But you never gave up on your loved ones, including me. I feel one of the fortune to have a friend that to childhood friend. We had many differences even in our careers too. Today what may be I am. It is just because of you. I may be a celebrity for the whole world. But you are may real celebrity. Where everyone saw only my money and fame. You were the only one who saw the same Raven since childhood. You will be always my Celebrity friend".