2. Lost Boy With Lost Memories

In a maze of shrubs and concrete stood a boy with bright blue puffy eyes black short hair, he was the age of 7 called out. "HELLO ANYONE!" He walked around the maze for at least 5 minutes but seemed like hours. "Oswald!" He called to the now grey clouds that smelled of rain. He walked further in the maze not knowing what direction is out as rain started to slowly drop around him.

"BRUCE!" A voice called from behind him.

Bruce looked back with a smile on his face. "Rachel?!" He said as she rocketed into his chest giving him a hug with a worried expression. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you stupid." She simply stated. "Why would you let that sharp nosed worm get in your head?" She said while pulling away from him.

"Oswald?" He said his name embarrassedly before going quiet.

Rachel looked at her friend for a second and then around the surroundings. "Um, looks like we are both lost." She said with an embarrassed expression.

Bruce smiled. "Better then being alone." The blue eyed boy grabbed her hand and started walking the direction she came from. "Try and remember the area you went through."


In a office in Wayne manor 4 men stood "Carmine Falcone will be running this city in 5 years." A skinny man with a sharp nose spoke. "Thomas, Harry I suggest you both be on the right side when he makes his move."

"Well Mr. Cobblepot seeing how you aren't here on a friendly visit for little Oswald sake. You can address me as Mr. Wayne, and Jamie as Mr. Dent." Thomas spoke like a businessman he had brown eyes and black hair with streaks of grey on his right side.

Cobblepot narrowed his eyes. "Fine Mr. Wayne, the Wayne family is the most wealthy family in Gotham since the Arkham's. Mr. Dent is the best Judge that Gotham has had in years."

"So what he wants free b's, me to play the court and Wayne for his money?" Dent a blonde hair and blue eyed man spoke next with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Cobblepot deadpan at Dent. "Look you don't want to stand in his way, he can make anyone disappear no matter who. It's best to give him what he wants and that is you Dent to overturn the charges on his Lieutenants and Mr. Wayne to back his candidate campaign for mayor."

"Is that a threat?" Dent glared.

Thomas frowned. "His candidate for mayor, what he doesn't want it?"

Cobblepot smiled. "Falcone prefers to run things from behind." He looked to Dent. "Yes."

Thomas looked at the door that was slightly open and frowned. "It's a no for me Mr. Cobblepot, send Falcone my regards." He walked towards the door and opened it revealing Oswald. "Seems little Oswald is read to go." He looked at another man in the room. "Alfred, please show our guest out."

"Yes Master Thomas." A man in his 40s that had brown hair and green eyes spoke as he moved out the door. "This way please." He kindly said.

"You are making a mistake." Cobblepot sighed. "So be it, good luck my friends." He said while walking out of the room following Alfred leaving behind a sour Dent and worried Wayne.

Both men looked at each other as Dent opened his mouth another voice called out. "Father, uncle Thomas." Harvey ran in with a frantic expression.

"What is it my boy?" Jamie asked his son.

"B-Bruce and Rachel are in the maze." Harvey reluctantly answered.

"WHAT!" Thomas spoke in a worried tone.


"I'm sorry Rachel." Bruce apologized with a defeated expression as they walked in the light rain.

"I blame Oswald." She said with an annoyed tone. "I also should have remembered the way I came." She sighed.

They both walked in the rain for a few minutes before heading into a clearing in the maze as rain stopped falling. They both had hopeful expressions but it was short lived when they entered. The new area was the center of the maze it had crumbling statues that couldn't be identified. The ground had cracked concrete with strands of grass and roots poking through and a fountain in the center.

Bruce walked out towards the fountain and started circling around it, his eyes met a plaque that read. "Deep Inside Can You Find Those Memories Left Behind." Once he read the words his head burst in pain bring him to his knees. "ARGH!!" He held his head.

Rachel ran to his side with a worried expression. "What's wrong Bruce!?"

Bruce didn't answer right away he was to busy going through multiple images in his head, one that made him jump was when a man ran into what looked like a bus and started shooting. Rachel looked at Bruce who was now pale and breathing heavily she opened her mouth about to speak. "I'm ok..." Bruce said with heavy breaths. "I just need a second." He stood up and looked around. "It seems we have found the center." He turned the conversation away from him while he thought. 'What was that?' The images in his head felt familiar but he didn't know why.

Rachel looked at him for a second with questioning eyes. "You sure yo..."

"Yes! I'm ok."He brushed it off again and looked around noticing a sign with faded letters laying on the ground. Bruce picked it up and tried to make out the faded words. "It's a warning sign... But for what?"

"Bruce I don't like this place lets go.." Rachel said worriedly.

Bruce nodded his head and put the sign back on the ground. "Yeah let's..."

"BRUCE.. RACHEL!!" Thomas and Alfred called out at the same time.

"FATHER!" Bruce hurriedly yelled while moving towards the voices. "OVER HERE!"




Bruce frowned "I'M SORRY FATH..."


Bruce didn't say anything after and looked to a smiling Rachel who was walking towards him. Her smile was so infectious he didn't notice his own smile form. But it was short lived when Rachel walked by one of the old statues, his face went pale as he moved as fast as he could catching Rachel by surprise.

The statue that caught Bruce's attention was sliding forward off it's pedestal, while Rachel's foot slid into a hole which sunk to her knee. Bruce cought her and put his body in between her and the statue, the hole Rcahel was in also sucked Bruce in because of the wait of the statue. With both of them being sucked into the dark under ground Bruce held Rachel tight, letting the statue roll of his back leaving him In extreme pain as they fell 5 feet.

Once they landed on the ground a few seconds later Bruce sat up and looked up with blurry vision and pain throughout his body. He looked up at the hole he feal down seeing the grey sky, then down at Rachel noticing the small speck bump on her head.

"R-Rachel..Rachel?" Bruce shock her with a fearful expression gaining no reaction. The blue eyed boy looked around in the dark seeing only shadows. Putting his hand on the back of his head he felt a liquid that he new was blood and a sharp pain. Bruce weakly stood up and looked around noticing he was In a massive cave. He couldn't see much, but hr could hear water rushing in what sounds like a waterfall. 'Why does this feel so familiar?' He thought to himself. He stumbled and cought himself on the cave wall still feeling the pain in his body.


Bruce heard a strange sound that came from above him and noticed small black fuzzy creatures with red eyes. Jumping a little bit out of his skin without making a sound. 'BATS!?' He thought to himself. Putting more of his weight on the wall of the cave, his movements caused the wall to crumble bring part of the sealing down as well. The sudden noice echoed throughout the cave awaking all the bats in the cave.


Bruce turned pale as heard what seemed like thousands of bats now all awake and flying in his direction. The boy ran and covered Rachel with his body as thousands of bats rushed around him. While this was happening his head also started pounding as images pushed through his head. Images of a kid with his name growing up rough and into a boring man that saved a mother and daughter on a bus. Then multiple heros one that was called "Batman" with his name and a univers called the "DC Universe" all pushed through his head. 'I remember, I died and got reincarnated as Bruce Wayne.' He finally remembered everything and he understood why thing felt nostalgic. A smile creeped across his face as he thanked whatever god granted him this wish.

"BRUCE?!" Thomas yelled as he arrived at the center of the maze.

Bruce heard his fathers yell from above, while the bats also strated flying out of the cave some through the hole which cought his fathers attention. "FATHER DOWN HERE!" Bruce yelled.

Thomas walked towards the hole and looked down seeing darkness. "BRUCE ARE YOU OK?.. IS RACHEL WITH YOU?!" Thomas looked up seeing Alfred. "Alfred, go get some rope and a flashlight!" He ordered

"Yes, right away sir."

"AND CALL DOC ELLIOT!" Thomas yelled while Alfred vanished through the maze.


A few hours after Bruce's and Rachel's rescue, Doctor Elliot's check up, and a mothers scolding Bruce found himself in his room with a glimmer in his eye. He sat in his room at his desk with a pen and paper ready to plan for the future, he had many things he wanted to prepare for.

'Step one, prevent my parents death.' He thought to himself. 'I didn't know my parents in my last life, I don't plan on lossing them here.' He said this but didn't know if he could stop it, this isn't exactly a cannon universe. 'Would they even be killed? Would it be done by Joe Chill or would the universe throw a curveball?' Bruce knew this would be a problem for him in his new life in the unknown. He already spotted similarity like names of people such as Harvey, Rachel, Oswald, and even Elliot the doctor that checked him over. 'Can I save Rachel? Stop Harvey from becoming Two-Face? Oswald is already going down a path I can't stop, it's just his character. Can I stop Thomas Elliot from becoming Hush?' All these people and more rushed through his head, could he stop any of them if his parents stay alive they wouldn't let him become the Batman. The only thing he could do is wait and see for the future while also having plans setup just in case.

'Step two, would be this super solider serum.' He pulled out a vile of blue liquid. 'I got this because I wanted to hit harder and take more damage, I'd prefer not getting broken by Bane. I'll also try and synthesize more for other heros that don't have abilities such as sidekicks.' He said as he put it back in the fridge that showed up at random. 'I also have an extra wish if I need more power or anything else.' He looked out the window at the dark sky. 'It's late, enough planning for now time for sleep.' He said falling to his bed.