6. Batman

A man with short black hair and bright blue eyes stepped put of what looked like a incubation chamber, the man standing was 6ft 2in in height and above 200lbs in weight.

The man fell down on one knee which caused the other man by him kneel down beside him with a worried expression.

"Master Bruce are you ok!?" The man was middle aged he was baled with green eyes and wore a butlers suit.

Bruce looked to his butler with heavy breaths. "Yes... Al, I'm... Fine." he replied breathing in between each word.

"Are you sure?" Alfred looked at him with worry and continued. "You sounded in pain with all that yelling you did."

Bruce stood up. "Just some growing pains." He shrugged it off. "Hmm." Humming to himself as he looked in a mirror. " Some changes to get used to." He flexed his bicep and tightened his abs. "I look like a Greek God."

Alfred walked back behind him. "It would seem so." Alfred looked at a display case with a black suit in it. "It would seem that suit won't fit you." The butler smiled.

"I already talked with Lucius about it." Bruce looked at Alfred with his bright blue eyes. "Are my eyes a shade brighter?"

"Yes." Alfred simply said.

Bruce looked around at his facility that was finished two months ago, "The Bat-Cave" in all its glory. All the tech and metal platforms, the weapon displays and suit displays with lights off, his eyes landed on his favorite toy the Batmobile. (A/N: Batmobile is the one from the Batman Arkham Knight game.)

"Lets go up and eat."

The manor had a few changes mainly changes from its old Victorian style to a more modern high tech way. Bruce had put security cameras all around the building and in rooms that didn't invade privacy. He also had motion sensors and blast shielding that would come down over the doors and windows incase of an attack. His office didn't change that much only the secret door behind the bookshelf that led to the elevator that connected the Bat-Cave and the Manor. To open the bookshelf you need to do three things, first a retinal scan at his computer, second a Knight piece on his chess board in the corner, third a book that would release a magnetic lock when placed on the bookshelf.

The outside of the manor was the most noticeable change with a building slightly smaller then the manor, a large radio antenna behind it that had cables connecting down through the ground, and a race track also out back. The building was a training facility that had wights and various exercise equipment, in another room was a pool and hot tub. This building also had a way down to the Bat-Cave which was a simple hand scan on a mirror that opened up to another elevator.

With all the changes also came more staff to help Alfred, which was two more people. A man by the name of Steve Andros was hired for security, he was 35 years old, ex-military, very professional attitude. The other was a timid women by the name of Rose Parker for cooking and cleaning, she was 24 years old, a very shy but cute girl. Both singed a NDA and had been shown and told what he would be doing in the near future. Steve didn't react much just said if he needed help he would be around, he actually had a new found respect for Bruce after hearing out his plans. Rose was shocked and asked why he would put himself in danger like this, which Bruce answered vaguely and reassured her everything will be ok.

Also during his time of the Bat-cave construction he met with his friends Harvey and Rachel a few times. They visited for the food, his pool, and to drive his vehicles around his new track. They also talked about the city and the planning of their wedding.

Amongst those who visited was Harley who he offered her a permanent job but she didn't want it even though he offered good money. Bruce was her only patient out of Arkham, she said Bruce Wayne was enough and that her work at Arkham was needed. Bruce knew better then to believe her about that, each time he sees her she was different. She wasn't always paying attention to Bruce during his sessions, at first he thought she seen through his fake troubles but then he noticed her files she kept in her bag with hearts on a Jon Does. He caught her off guard one day when he noticed her giddy behavior and asked her about what has her so happy and she said. "I met someone." Was all he got when she realized who she was talking with. From then on she kept thing professional and short so Bruce new Joker was in her head.

Bruce also brought his mother home after preparing a room for her, she had yet to wake but this was something Bruce should have done a long time ago. He talked with her every chance he had which was almost daily, mainly talking about the past and his plans for Gotham.


After a week of getting used to his body figuring out what he could do which was strength, speed, defence, and faster healing. While Bruce was in his office doing some work for Wayne Enterprises a red face Rose knocked on his door.

"Master Bruce?" She said with a small voice.

Bruce looked up. "You can enter Rose."

Rose entered with a nervous expression. "Mr. Fox has arrived." She said nervously.

Bruce smiled warmly. "Rose, you can just call me Bruce." He got up and walked by her. "No need to be so nervous, just breath." He patted her shoulder.

"Y-Yes B-Bruce." Her face got redder.

Bruce walked down stairs with a still blushing Rose following behind when both Lucius and Alfred came into view.

"Welcome to Wayne Mano, Lucius!" Bruce greeted.

The freckled man looked away from Alfred. "Ah, hello Mr. Wayne." Lucius walked up with a outstretched hand.

Bruce grabbed it. "Please, call me Bruce."

"Well then Bruce, I have completed the thing you asked for." Lucius looked at Rose and back at Bruce.

Bruce noticed his look at Rose and smiled. "She already knows." He looked at Rose. "Rose, you can go take a break. I have business with Mr. Fox so I'll be awhile."

Rose blushed red and nodded. "Yes B-Bruce." She hurriedly walk away.

Fox smiled. "It's in the van shall we take it down?"

Bruce nodded. "Al, go with him through the car entrance with the van. I'll go down meet you guys down there."

"Yes, Master Bruce." Alfred followed Lucius.

Bruce sighed. 'Trying to break him of that whole "Master" stuff is hard.' He thought.

Bruce arrived by elevator while Lucius and Alfred had already arrived and had started taking out cases from the van, Bruce walked over and helped with the bigger cases.

Lucius grabbed a small case and opened it up on a table. "First we have the impact and shock resistant inner suit." He pulled out a thin full body suit. "It will help cushion blows and slight shocks to the body its the last line of defense." He placed it down on the table.

Bruce grabbed it and felt the material. "Feels nice."

Lucius nodded with a smile. "Now for the main course." He grabbed small box "Contact Lenses that connect to the Bat-computer that can provide analysis, receive audio and video, magnifying capabilities, facial recognition algorithm with lipreading capabilities and lie detector, electromagnetic, thermal, sonar, x-ray, and night vision."

Bruce looked at it with a smile and said nothing.

"Next we have the Cowl." Lucius said placing a box on the table. "Full black with two bat horns protruding from the top and white protective lenses over the eyes." He placed it on the table.

Bruce picked it up with a wider grin. 'Feels like Christmas.' He thought to himself.

Lucius spoke again bring him out of his thoughts. "It is armored but I'd advise you avoid getting hit." He watched Bruce place it over his head.

Bruce put it snugly over his head as it formed comfortably around his jaw and locked. "Comfortable."

"It has a special lock that only the person wearing it can take it off with the gloves I'll show you later." Lucius looked smug and continued. "It is fit with an earpiece that acts as a phone and radio, it also can enhance the auditory senses."

Bruce still wearing the cowl, didn't care it was locked on his head he was filled with excitement as Lucius continued while pulling out another box. "Gloves and Gauntlets come with a wrist laser." He pushed a button that let out a small red laser. "The gloves can emit small electric shocks. The gauntlets connect to the bat computer for DNA and chemical samples, as well as a cryptographic sequencer." He showed them off then continued. "Lastly the forearm spikes that are retractable and can eject."

Bruce put on a glove and touched under his ear on the cowl to unlock it.

Lucius pulled out another box. "Next we have the boots. They can magnetize on metal surfaces, none slip, and also you to walk on ice." He showed the features of magnetism and small spikes to hang out for ice. "The come with 3 cartridges in each pair." He points to small holes on the heals and opens it. "1 micro flash bang and 2 smoke pellets in each boot."

Bruce nodded. "Nice." He said happily.

Lucius smiled. "Next the cape that is fireproof and allows you gliding capabilities." He pulled out a cloth from a bag and twerled it around and moved on. "This is the upper and lower body armor." He heaved a large box on the table. "They are bulletproof, fireproof, resistant to medium level shocks, concentrated acid, and extreme pressures." He pulled out a large piece of armor dull black and a red bat s

symbol on the chest. "Every piece is black amd the symbol is res like you requested."

"Good work Lucius." Bruce smile was big and sincere.

"Not a problem Bruce, this was actually a fun project." Lucius grabbed another box. "Now for dessert." He pulled out a black and red utility belt. "The utility belt you asked for that can store gadgets. It also has a EMP emitter and a demagnetizer." He placed it on the table. "All the other box's are extra parts and gadgets you asked for."

"Thanks again Lucius, you did a excellent job." Bruce looked around like he was in a toy store.

"I'm happy to help Bruce, just promise you will do good for Gotham?"

"I promise." Bruce bowed at a 90 degree angle shocking Lucius and Alfred.

"No need to bow Bruce, I know..."Lucius tried stopping him but sighed seeing him continue. "I do have a question though?" Lucius asked.

Bruce looked up. "Shoot."

"Why do you want to be called "Batman"?" He asked which also made Alfred who was quiet ask the same thing.

"Yes why Master Bruce?" Alfred looked at him questioningly.

Bruce expected this question but he could really say "I'm from another world and Batman was my favorite." So he had to lie but what would he say. 'Shit, I haven't really thought about this with all that I've been working on.' He sighed heavily and thought of it of the spot.

Brice put on a serious expression. "When I was a kid and I fell down that hole." Bruce pointed at the hole covered in cables. "I was swarmed by bats, you can say I have a phobia of them. So I figured if I took something I feared and used it to strike fear in criminal of Gotham, then maybe I could over come my demons." He said with confidence.

Both Alfred and Lucius looked at Bruce and then at each other and hesitantly said at the same time. ""Ok.""