Reunions with a Demon

 Ben and the others finally make their way to the throne room. Ben bursts through the doors and yells to his husband. "My darling Sebastian! Did you miss me?!"

 With that King Sebastian jumped off of his throne and ran to his beloved. "Ben!" He yelled. "I just knew you were alive! Everyone else had lost hope but I just knew that you wouldn't die!" He said running with tears pouring down his face.

 Ben reached out with open arms to embrace his husband. "It's okay Sebastian, I am back now." He said softly into his ear. "It was the thought of you, and my love for you that kept me going. I fought that dragon non stop. It was relentless in its pursuit like the only thing it cared about was killing me. Unfortunately for it, the only thing I cared about was getting home to you." Ben hugs Sebastian tighter. "Thank you for not giving up on me and sending me the help I needed."

 "I would never give up on you!" Sebastian said back to Ben. "Even if the whole world told me you were gone I would not believe them and if you did perish I would find a way into the underworld and save you myself." The two of them locked eyes for a moment and then had a passionate kiss. The sight of this caused Mia to blush and avert her gaze. Lucell was unfazed. When their kiss concluded they turned their attention to Mia and Lucell. "I owe you everything. My kingdom, my life, everything. You have my unwavering support as well as my army."

 "Aye and I will be on the front lines leading the charge." Ben chimed in.

 "Thank you!" Mia said. "Anyone that can fend off a dragon for that long is a great addition."

 "All I did was stay alive." Ben responded. "Hardly as impressive as slaying a dragon. I don't believe that is a feat that has ever been done."

 "Wait, you slayed the dragon?!" Sebastian questioned. "I thought you just snuck Ben out of there or just found him. I had no idea you had to actually fight and kill the dragon to save him."

 "Aye the we lass here is quite strong." Ben added. "I have never seen anyone wield wind magic, much less at the level she can. That dragon was no match for her. Especially when big boy here went all berserk when she got injured. You should have seen it. He transformed into some kind of giant winged monster and fought toe to toe with that dragon."

 Sebastian then kneel before Mia and Lucell. "Thank you again!" He said. "I never dreamed a dragon could be defeated. Their power is just so catastrophic. You have saved my entire kingdom as well as my husband. Thank you!"

 "Oh, please don't kneel to me." Mia asked. "I just couldn't sit by and watch Ben die. Anyone would have done it."

 "No dragon slayer." Ben added. "Everyone would have turned tail and ran away. The fact you didn't makes you a person of unbelievable courage. That kind of bravery is rare."

 "No really it was nothing." Mia tried to calm the situation down.

 "Mia take the compliment." Lucell whispered.

 "Right!" She whispered back. "Thank you for your words, they honor me." She said with a bow."

 Sebastian gets up off his knee and addresses Mia again. "Dragon slayer Mia, please request anything that is within my power to grant. My first reward was for rescuing the love of my life, but you have also slain a dragon. That must be rewarded as well. Do you want treasure or a noble title and land? Anything I can grant you I shall."

 "Can I think about it?" Mia asked.

 "Of course." Sebastian responded. "Please take all the time you need. Now you both must be tired from your journey and your heroic adventures. Please allow me to grant you each a room in the palace."

 "Thank you." Mia said with a bow.

 "But first we feast!" Ben yelled out. "I haven't eaten in so long I need a good meal!"

 "Right, how thoughtless of me." Sebastian said. "I shall have the chef prepare the grandest meal we have ever partaken in."

 After the grand feast Mia and Lucell are shown to their respective rooms. Mia looks around her room and is amazed by its beauty. As she was taking it in she heard a knock on the door. "Coming." She said as she went to answer it. She opened the door to find an extremely attractive man servant.

 "Dragon slayer Mia, I am here at the request of his majesty King Sebastian." The servant continued. "I specialize in services that can relax you and bring you pleasure."

 "Oh no!" Mia gasped. "Tell you king that I appreciate the thought but I really am not interested in that, at all really."

 "I see." The servant bowed. "I apologize that I am not worthy in your eyes, me lady. I am sure the king will think of a just punishment for my failure. I shall bother you no more, but please tell me what kind of nightly companion you desire so that I may fetch them for you."

 "What punishment?" Mia asked.

 "Yes." The servant continued. "My mission was to bring the dragon slayer joy and pleasure that she had never experienced. To lift her in ecstasy until she could not handle it anymore. I have failed in this duty so I must be punished."

 "Well I don't want you to be punished." Mia sighed. "Please come inside." Mia let the man in and closed the door behind him. "Can you just stay here and act like you did your job." Mia sighed.

 "I would never neglect my duties in such a manner." The servant replied. "Now please tell me how I can please you."

 "Well about that." Mia started. "I have not really experienced anything as a woman, so I do not know anything about it. Plus I used to be a man and I kind of get grossed out by the whole thing."

 "You used to be a man Miss Mia?" The man asked. "But you are perhaps the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon."

 "It's a long story, lets just say the Goddess has decided I live my life as a woman now and as her servant I gladly accept my fate." Mia answered.

 "Then sounds like the Goddess would wish you to experience the pleasures of the flesh as a woman as well, and you would be following the Goddess in allowing this." He responded. "I promise I will not do anything you do not want me to do, but I ask that you allow yourself to experience this."

 "Fine, but no using your penis." Mia replied. "I am not prepared to go that far mentally or physically."

 "That is fine." He responded. "Please remove your clothing and get on the bed and we shall begin."

 Mia did as he instructed and for the next four hours she was treated to massages and cunnilingus. She moaned and shook in pleasure until she was completely spent. Meanwhile Lucell had a similar problem of his own. He continuously turned away maidens. Every time he would turn one away another would take her place until finally he decided to allow one into his chambers if only to make the harassment stop. He only allowed her to give him a back rub however.

 When Mia's session with the man was done she lay naked on the bed glistening in sweat. Her body felt hot and just the slightest touch caused her to spasm in pleasure. She turned her head to the man as he left the room. "Thanks, that was amazing." She said.

 "It was my honor dragon slayer Mia." The servant bowed. "Should you require my services again do not hesitate to request me." He said as he left the room leaving Mia to her thoughts.

 She was torn by her newly discovered pleasures. She never experienced anything close to this when she was a man. Even her one experience of intercourse was more of a job obligation than pleasure. It was something she did because she had to, not because she wanted to. This experience however was completely different. As she laid there thinking her thoughts could not help themselves but to drift towards Lucell. She wondered if he could do the same things as that servant or what other things he could do. This was the first time she actually felt herself physically attracted to Lucell, she enjoyed that pleasure and she wanted more. "Oh Lucy." She said to herself as she drifted off in a state of bliss.

 As she laid there sleeping she could hear a voice whispering and echoing in her head. "Human." It said. "Human!" it shouted louder until finally Mia was awake within her subconscious and stood within a giant void. "How did you a mere human defeat my dragon?" The voice echoed throughout the chamber.

 "Oh I take it you are the water elemental then?" Mia asked with a smile.