Battle with a Lich

 Half a day has passed since Lucell and Karl set off on their journey. They had been walking in silence the entire time, moving forward towards their destination. As they traveled they encountered a wandering lich. "Hold up!" Karl said to Lucell. "That's not something we want to mess with. If you thought that the wolf was bad, this is much, much, worse." Karl then looked around to see if there was anything that they would use to sneak by the lich. "If we are careful we should be able to sneak past it." He whispered to Lucell. Suddenly the Lich turns and spots the pair. As soon as it saw them it cried out a mighty yell. The sound was so deafening that it brought Lucell and Karl to their knees.

 "So loud!" Lucell shouted back. "You will not keep me from Miss Mia, monster!" Lucell shouted as he struggled to his feet. "Come then let us fight!" Lucell charged at this lich with his weapon gripped tightly. He swung at the lich, but the lich evaded his attack. Lucell did a quick follow up attack only to have it blocked by a single finger of the lich. The lich looked at Lucell with its skeleton face and hollow eyes. "You damn monster, I will get past you!" Lucell declared. The lich's hollow eye sockets then burned with a green flame.

 "Look out!" Karl yelled.

 Lucell reacting to Karl's warning quickly rolled away from the lich. Just in time to miss a massive blast of green fire that erupted from the lich's body. "Thanks!" Lucell yelled back at Karl. Lucell then charged back into the fray, only to have every one of his attacks parried by the foul creature. Karl rushed to join Lucell and the two of them attacked in concert, to no avail as the lich simply parried and dodged all of their attacks. Before too long the lich's eyes lit ablaze again, followed closely by the lich erupting in flame. "Now the damn thing is on fire." Lucell complained.

 "I told you this is not something we wanted to fight." Karl explained. "Liches are at the top of the undead chart. We need to find some way to retreat. I doubt we can get past this thing."

 "You may be right." Lucell conceded. "I am sorry, Miss Mia. It seems it will take me a little while longer to get back to you."

 The lich then started to laugh with a deep disturbing laughter. A giant ring of fire encased Karl and Lucell in with the Lich. Shortly after they became trapped the land started to burst open with zombies emerging from the ground. "Looks like he heard us." Karl stated. "Doesn't look like he wants to lose us as dancing partners."

 "We will fight as long as we have to." Lucell replied. "I will see Mia again, it will take more than certain death to stop me."

 "Man you got it bad." Karl teased. "You can fight for yourself too, you know. It doesn't always have to be about your girl. I mean I know you love her, but try to focus?"

 "Love?!" Lucell was flustered. "I never said I loved Miss Mia!" Lucell prepares for the onslaught of zombies headed their way. "We will discuss this further after we have dealt with these undead." The battle raged on, every time Lucell and Karl would strike a zombie down a new one would pop out of the ground. The lich just floated in the center laughing at their misfortune. After what felt like hours of fighting the sound of the laughing lich was interrupted by a group of howling wolves. Lucell and Karl turned to look in the direction of the howls. They saw a large group of people who had wolf ears and tails with glowing yellow eyes. In the center of the group stood Mia.

 She took a giant leap into the circle of flame landing directly in front of Karl and Lucell. "Hey boys." She said with a smile. "Did you miss me?"

 "Mia!" Lucell shouted out. "I am so happy that you are alright!"

 Mia couldn't help but feel the joy of being reunited with Lucell and her tail was wagging furiously. "Lucy, Focus!" Mia shouted out trying to hide her excitement, although her tail gave it all away. "We will catch up after we defeat this thing."

 "It's a lich." Karl told Mia. "We have been fighting for hours and haven't landed a single blow."

 Mia crouched down and readied herself for her attack. The people she was with had given her a small sword she had sheathed above her tail. "Let's see what the speed of a wolf can do then." With that she unsheathed her blade and disappeared in a flash. The lich stopped laughing immediately afterwards. One of his arms laid on the ground at his feet. This filled the lich with rage and the fires that were entrapping them burned brighter and hotter. They could now feel the heat roasting their flesh from several yards away. "Damn, I missed." Mia said to herself. She crouched down again and readied herself for another attack. "This time I'm taking your head!" She yelled as she vanished again reappearing in front of Lucell and Karl. The lich could be seen behind her falling to the ground with its head rolling off as its body turned to ash. As soon as the lich disappeared the ring of fire that surrounded them vanished and the zombies fell onto the ground. "So Lucy, what brings you out here?" She asked Lucell with her tail still wagging.

 "We were searching for you." Lucell answered. "I knew you wouldn't let something like a curse get the better of you." Lucell smiled, happy to see Mia again. "I see you have a different appearance now, as well as some of your ability back. I take it, that's from the curse."

 "Yes, Aquir was able to stop me from turning full on wolf, but he wasn't able to cure me outright." Mia explained. "I will most likely be like this until the Goddess can fix me."

 Lucell placed his hand between Mia's wolf ears and rubbed her. "I'm just glad that you are still you." He said.

 "Karl?" Pricilla could be heard from the distance. "Is that you Karl?!" She yelled out while running towards him, tears running down her cheeks and her tail wagging so hard it was hardly visible.

 "Pricilla?!" Karl shouted back in response. "You are back to your old self!" he yelled as he ran towards her. When they met Pricilla jumped into his arms and gave him a kiss with all of her passion. She kissed him so hard that they fell to the ground.

 "Ahem!" Lucell made a loud noise of clearing his throat. This caused the two to calm down and look at Lucell. "I believe that it is time for me to say this. I told you so."

 "Hahaha!" Karl laughed with Pricilla still sitting on top of his chest. "You sure did, you told me that Mia would be fine, but I never dreamed that she would be able to bring my Pricilla back to me as well."

 "Not just me." Pricilla replied. "Mia gave us all a second chance, we were just on our way back to the village to see if they would accept us back."

 Karl looked around at the group of wolf people behind them. "Is that Lars?" He asked. "Man the village chief is going to be excited!"

 "My father is still alive?" Lars asked. "That's amazing, I have been gone so long, I just assumed he had died."

 "Nah, that old goat said he wasn't dying until he got to see his son return to the village." Karl explained. "We all thought you were dead, but he wouldn't have any of it. Told us that you were going to return one day and he was going to be alive to see it."

 "Sounds like him." Lars laughed. "I just hope he doesn't drop dead at the sight of me."

 "Looks like everyone that was taken by the wolves is back!" Karl said as he studied everyone's faces. "What a great day for the village. Miss Mia you truly are a hero in every sense of the word. Not only have you single handedly defeated a lich today, you have saved our missing citizens. When we get back to the village I am sure the chief will grant you anything your heart desires."

 With that Mia and everyone else started their journey back to the village. Unlike the trip earlier in the day this one was filled with laughter and joy. Everyone asked Karl questions about the village and couldn't wait to catch up with old friends and relatives. Mia and Lucell walked next to each other the whole way back. Lucell was trying to apologize the whole time, while Mia was trying to explain it was all her fault. By the time they reached the village night had fallen. As they approached the villagers inside the village became extremely uneasy for all they could see approaching was several sets of glowing yellow eyes.