Meeting Former Liches with a Goddess

   Mia, Vanessa, and Lucell arrived at the undead territory at nightfall. The land was charred and lifeless. Assorted skeletons and zombies could be seen roaming the land. Far off into the distance they could make out the outline of a large mountain whose top ascended into the clouds. "Looks like that's our mountain." Mia said to the group. Suddenly the carriage stopped. The horses refused to enter the undead territory. "I suppose this is as far as we can ride. We will have to continue on foot." Mia explained.

   "I suppose it cannot be helped." Lucell responded. He then exited the carriage and helped the ladies out of the carriage as well. "We may have to fight our way through the undead so be ready at all times for battle." He continued.

   "You worry too much Lucy." The Goddess said with a smile. "If any of these undead things come after us, I will just make them alive."

   "I suppose I should not worry with you here Goddess." Lucell said. "It was foolish of me to worry."

   The trio began walking their way through the territory. No zombie or skeleton approached them. The aura exuding from Vanessa caused them to be very weary of contact. Every step that Vanessa took on the charred ground cleansed it and caused life to bloom beneath her feet. A clear trail of grass and flowers laid behind them. In the distance they could make out what looked like a fire. "Do you think the undead make fire?" Mia asked the group. "I mean there was that green fire earlier when we fought that lich, but this looks like it's just normal everyday fire."

   "We should be cautious." Lucell responded. "I doubt we will encounter anyone that is friendly here."

   "I say we check it out." Vanessa chimed in. "It might be more of my babies."

   "Yes, Goddess. As you command." Mia and Lucell answered back.

   As the group moved closer to the flames, they could make out a group of robed figures. Eventually they got close enough that they could see their faces. "Those are humans!" Mia called out. "I wonder what humans are doing here?!"

   The robed figures heard Mia and turned their attention over to them. "It's her!" They shouted out as they stood up. "She's the one who did this to us!"

   "Goddess, they seem upset." Mia said. "Do you know these people?"

   "I think they might be the boney people I made live again earlier." Vanessa explained. "When I was on my way to find you Sir Knight, some boney people surrounded me, so I turned them alive again. I was in a hurry, so I just left them and came to find you."

   "That explains why they are upset at least." Mia sighed. "I suppose we are going to have to fight them. I mean they are charging at us."

   "I will handle this Miss Mia, Goddess." Lucell said as he moved to the front of the group. He easily knocked each of the attackers on the ground. Each time they would get up and charge at him he would simply knock them back down. "Please surrender." He addressed them. "I do not wish to seriously hurt you in front of the Goddess."

   "This woman made us flesh and blood again!" One of the former liches spoke. "We were masters of this world and now we are just weak fleshlings!" Another past lich said. "Change us back! We do not like being so weak!" A few more cried. "The other undead look at us now like we are food."

   "The Goddess, has granted you the gift of life." Lucell responded. "You should cherish it."

   "Well we do not like it!" They spoke up.

   "It's really not that bad." Mia responded. "You are just new to being alive again. Everything gets better."

   "Look at me!" One of the liches removed their robes revealing a slender female body. "What am I supposed to do with a body like this?!" She asked.

   "I have a small female body too!" Mia snapped back. "It's not that bad."

   "Oh, she's pretty." Vanessa said. "I have a question. Were you once alive or were you always skeleton people?"

   "We were made by our God!" The female former lich spoke up. "He made us perfectly. Our God of Death."

   "God of Death?" Vanessa asked. "Is that the Divine One?"

   "No." She answered. "The Divine One is our enemy. We have surrounded his mountain, but we are not able to ascend it."

   "Interesting." Mia replied. "So, there is a whole different set of Gods here. That makes sense, different universe, different Gods." Mia explained.

   "Is this God of Death the one responsible for the corruption on this planet?" Vanessa asked with a scary look on her face.

   "When the God of Death found this world, it was sickeningly filled with life." The female Lich answered. "He decided to fix that blight, by creating us undead and corrupting the life that was here."

   "Tell me where do I find this God of Death." Vanessa demanded.

   "As if I would help you after what you did to me!" The former lich yelled back.

   Vanessa had an anger in her for the first time in her existence. She did not fully understand what she was feeling herself. "I said tell me!" Vanessa yelled out with a stomp on the ground. Her body began to glow with immense power. A ring of life erupted from her that cleansed the ground around her and changed any undead it touched to mortals. Trees erupted from the ground and a forest formed around them.

   "Goddess?" Mia asked.

   This snapped Vanessa from her rage. "Yes, Sir Knight?" Vanessa asked.

   "Let me talk to her." Mia requested. "She then took the former lich behind the trees as to have privacy. Shortly after moans of pleasure could be heard from behind the trees where Mia had taken her.

   "What in the world is going on." Lucell wondered. "Maybe I should go check." Lucell began to walk to see what was happening, but Mia had finished with her and emerged from behind the trees. Followed by the former lich who was having trouble standing.

   "She said she will help us now." Mia smiled.

   "Very good Sir Knight!" Vanessa cheered.

   "What did you do to her Miss Mia?" Lucell asked. "It sounded troubling."

   "I just taught her a few things I have learned since being a girl." Mia smiled. "Don't think anything about it. Just showed her being alive could have its benefits."

   "Troubling he says…" Aquir chimed in. "If the sounds of a woman's pleasure are troubling to him, we have our work cut out for us."

   "I don't understand how you can be as old as he is and still be that dense." Tolvash responded.

   "Woof! Woof!" The puppy spoke up.

   "You tell him, girl!" Tolvash answered the dog.

   "Are they always this talkative Sir Knight?" Vanessa asked with a smile.

   "Sadly yes." Mia answered. "I rarely get a moment's peace."

   "What are the elementals saying? Anything I should know?" Lucell asked.

   "Oh, they just want you to…" Vanessa was interrupted by Mia placing her hand over her mouth.

   "They are not talking about anything that concerns you Lucy." Mia shouted. "I will tell you if it's something you need to know." Mia then looks Vanessa in the eyes. "They weren't talking about anything right Goddess?"

   Vanessa nodded her head in agreement and Mia took her hand off of her mouth. "I swear Sir Knight you really should just let me help you."

   "Anyways!" Mia changed the subject. "This female former lich said she would help us now, so let's get the location of the God of Death before she changes her mind."

   "Right!" Vanessa said. "So where is he." Vanessa reverted back to her scary face.

   The female lich pointed to the North. "If you go straight that way you will come to his castle. He is always inside." She explained.

   "That's where we are headed then." Vanessa said.

   "What about the Divine One?" Mia asked. "We need to find a way back home."

   "That can wait until after I have a chat with this God of Death." Vanessa responded, still with the scary look on her face.

   "As you command Goddess." Mia bowed. "As for you former liches. We have a carriage at the edge of the territory, take it. Then head South East and you will find a human village. Tell them you are friends of Mia and they should allow you in. They will help you adjust to your new life as mortals."

   "I'll get them on board." The female lich responded. "We will head there right away."

   "Okay then." Mia started. "Let us be on our way, to meet with the God of Death." With that Mia, Vanessa, and Lucell headed North to the castle of the God of Death.