And Chaos Reigns

 "It's you!" Alexander yelled out. "I knew we could draw you out with a little bit of combat. I just didn't think it would be that easy." Alexander paused for a moment. "You have a lot to answer for Phil."

 "Whoa now!" Phil said. "I was just passing by these poor defenseless creatures, getting slaughtered, and I said to myself, you know self, you should really help those who need it. So, I listened to myself and brought them to this universe where I thought they would be safer."

 "You sullied my universe by bringing these abominations into it!" Alexander responded back. "I want them all out of my universe, or I will remove them myself. Not only that you carelessly left the door open between the two universes, letting more come, and even one of their elementals!"

 "Hey I left that door on the bottom of a pretty deep ocean, shouldn't have been anyone able to get into it." Phil answered.

 "Well that didn't stop these three now did it?" Alexander said.

 "We would like to go home if at all possible." Mia said to Phil. "Would you be able to send us home?"

 "Oh, that's easy." Phil smiled. "Do you mind taking all of the inhabitants of your universe with you? It seems they are not welcome here."

 "I would love my babies back!" Vanessa yelled out. "Better they be with me than be mistreated by this smarty pants!"

 "Seems we have an accord then." Phil smiled. "I will send you three home first and then I will send the rest of your people home shortly after you. Sound fair?"

 "I will go with you to make sure it is done." Alexander said. He then turned and looked at Mia. "I pity you, having to deal with such an incompetent elemental."

 "Hey!" Vanessa yelled. "Stop insulting me already!"

 "Alright kiddos are you ready to go home?" Phil asked.

 "Wait give us a second." Mia said as she stripped off her dress revealing her bikini underneath. "You too Lucy." She said to Lucell. He then stripped down to his bathing suit as well. "Okay, now we are ready. I wanted to have swimwear on in case we end up back in the ocean."

 "Makes sense." Phil said. "Alrighty hold onto your hats cause the portal is opening!" Phil then twirled his arm in a circle until a portal opened in front of the trio. "Okay go on through, don't be shy." Mia took a deep breath and walked through the portal, followed by Lucell and Vanessa. As soon as all three of them were through the portal it vanished. "Well that's that." Phil said with a smile. Now shall we move on to the rest of the invaders?"

 "Just a minute!" A loud ominous voice yelled out. Followed by a flash of light and another man appearing on the scene. "What did you do Leon! Where did you send those three?"

 "Leon, me?" Phil asked. "I am just Phil, not Leon."

 "No you are my counterpart, you are the aspect of chaos, you are Leon." The real Phil said. "Now tell me where did you put those three!"

 "Like I would ever tell you." Leon stuck his tongue out. "I put them somewhere you can't find them."

 "What do you mean." Phil asked. "You and I can go… Oh no. You didn't send them there, did you?!"

 Leon just smiled at his deed. "Why would you send them there?!" Phil yelled. "That's the one universe where magic doesn't exist. Our own little experiment. There's no elementals or magic, just random chance."

 "I know! Chaotic isn't it?" Leon looked as if he was overcome with joy. "I can't wait to watch how they try and survive in such an alien place for them. They are sure to cause some chaos."

 "You know we forbade ourselves from interfering with that universe!" Phil explained. "Why would you break our rules like that?!"

 "Phil, I don't know if you know this. Rules are not really my thing." Leon answered. "By definition rules are part of your boring order, I am just in it for the chaos."

 "Um, I hate to interrupt but what is going on?" Alexander asked.

 "Leon here sent those three to a forbidden universe!" Phil explained. "Why are mortals just so trusting? Just because someone says they are someone doesn't mean they are!"

 "Oh come on now Phil, don't be such a stick in the mud." Leon teased. "You know you want to watch the hijinks too. Don't deny it, eternity is long and boring."

 "You there, elemental of undeath." Phil turned to Alexander. "You want all the invaders out of your universe, right?"

 "Yes, that is still my desire." Alexander answered.

 "Come then, I will send them home." Phil explained. "There's no telling where Leon would send them." In a flash Phil and Alexander disappeared from the room leaving Leon all alone. After being left alone Leon simply laughed to himself and vanished as well. Phil and Alexander reappeared in front of the human village. "Greetings, humans. I have come to send you home."

 As all this was happening the former Liches were just arriving to the village. "Master?" They shouted out as they saw Alexander. "Master!" They yelled as they ran to him.

 "Ah my children." Alexander said. "That blasted Goddess corrupted you. Let me fix you." With that Alexander went to each of the Liches and changed them back into their former undead glory.

 "This is our home!" Karl shouted back at Phil. "This is where we were born, and where we have lived for generations."

 "No, you don't belong here." Phil explained. "I am sending you back to your own universe. I will put you within friendly territory so don't worry about being attacked. Trust me, your life will be a lot better in your own universe."

 "Divine One!" The Elder shouted out. "Of course, we will do as you command." The elder then turned to his people. "We are headed back to our ancestral home! It is a great gift given to us by the divine one! Praise his glory and mercy!"

 "So, trusting." Phil sighed. "At least in this case I am actually trying to help them. Leon really needs to stop taking advantage of mortals."

 "So, you are not the one who brought them here?" Alexander asked.

 "I will answer your question with a question and you shall have your answer." Phil explained. "Does bringing them here create Order or Chaos?"

 "I see your point." Alexander replied. Phil opened a portal and the villagers all left through it leaving a vacant village in their wake.

 "Now we just need to collect the elves and the other races and everything will be as it should be." Phil smiled. "Come elemental." With that they vanished again.

 Meanwhile Mia and Lucell were exiting the portal. They were greeted by unfamiliar sights and sounds. They stood on a ground of solid stone and were surrounded by giant buildings that reached into the heavens made of glass. Lucell looked down at Mia and immediately yelled. "Miss Mia! You're a man!"

 Mia looked at herself, her bikini was stretched out because of her wider frame. Her breasts were gone, replaced by her former rippling muscles. She had her old body back, the six pack abs, the toned muscles, everything. "What in the world?!" Mia said surprised by her old voice. "I am me again? Lucy I got my muscles back!"

 "Yes, I see that." Lucell responded. "I do not believe that Phil sent us to the correct universe."

 "I think that is a safe bet." Mia replied. "Man, it's weird being a man again. It's just so heavy. I forgot how heavy it was."

 "Yes, I do imagine you weigh quite a bit more as a man." Lucell responded. "Have you seen the Goddess anywhere?"

 Mia then looked around, finding no trace of the Goddess. "No, I do not see her at all. I wonder where she went." Mia explained. "Hey Tolvash, Aquir, do you know where the Goddess is?" There was no response. "Hello! Guys where are you?"

 "They appear to be missing as well, Miss Mia, I mean uh what do I call you now?" Lucell asked.

 "Mia is still fine Lucy, I am sure this is only temporary. I don't want to get too used to being a man again." Mia explained. "I am not looking forward to the transformation again though."

 "So the elementals are all gone, and we are in an unknown place." Lucell explained. "It seems as if we are the center of attention as well."

 A crowd was beginning to form in the distance of people scoping out Mia and Lucell. It was quite strange for a man to be wearing a bikini in the middle of the city, and they had never seen a red man with horns. They were taking pictures and videos with their cell phones. Until one woman emerged from the crowd with a bible in her hand. "Be gone Satan!" She yelled. "You have no place here Lucifer!" She began waving her bible in the air. "The power of Christ compels you!"

 Mia then took Lucell by the hand. "I think we should get out of here. We need to figure out where we are and how to find the Goddess." With that Mia and Lucell ran off down the street to evade the crowd.