Attack on a Criminal Base

   Monica brought the helicopter in for the jump. "Okay Mia make sure the parachute is secured before jumping out of the helicopter." Monic instructed. "Make sure you count to five and then pull the cord. That will release your chute and slow your fall. Use the two cables on either side of the chute to steer where you want to go. It would be best to land in that forest area next to the main building. If your chute gets caught on a tree make sure you use the knife I gave you to cut off your cords."

   "Got it!" Mia shouted back. "How will I contact you when I finish the mission?" Mia asked.

   "Once you clear the base of hostiles use this." Monica said as she reached behind her to hand Mia a cell phone. "I have it programmed with my number. So just select the green icon and then the only number in the phone. That will call me. I will then come and give you extraction."

   "Alright, I understand." Mia fiddled with the phone. "How do you turn it on?"

   "Just tap the screen twice." Monica explained. "Then you swipe to unlock it. I did not put a passcode on it for you. Okay we are coming up on the drop zone. Prepare to jump."

   "Alright, I will see you soon." Mia said as she readied herself for her leap.

 "Jump! Jump! Jump!" Monica shouted out as she reached the drop zone. With that Mia exited the aircraft and Monica held her breath while waiting for Mia to open her chute. "Come on, Mia! You can do this!" Shortly after Mia's jump her parachute opened and she descended to the forest that Monica suggested.

 Upon landing Mia removed the parachute from her back and rushed to hide behind a tree so that she could take in her surroundings. She could see two guards on the perimeter of the base. Mia took the guns from her inside her jacket and lined up her shot. Both guards fell simultaneously without a sound being made from the guns. "Wow, that's amazing." Mia said to herself as she advanced to where the guards were standing. They were guarding an entrance to the compound. Mia tried the door but the door had been locked. "There has to be a key or something." She said as she looked around the door frame for signs of a keyhole. The only thing she found was a box next to the door with a tiny slot in it. "Must be some sort of card key. I should search the guard's bodies to see if they have one on them." Mia then searched the guards and found nothing. "Makes sense the guards in front of the door wouldn't have the key." She said as she looked around for signs of where the key may be.

 "I miss being able to talk to Mia." Aquir said. He was floating next to Mia and had been by her side since coming to this world. Tolvash had been with them as well.

 "I do too." Tolvash replied. "I wonder if she even knows we are still with her."

 "I don't know." Aquir answered. "Feels weird calling her a she, when she is a man."

 "Yeah it does." Tolvash responded. "Regardless, I was practicing last night and I managed to move some objects."

 "Oh really?" Aquir asked. "How did you manage that?"

 "I focused every bit of my power on a certain point and the energy was able to move the object." Tolvash explained. "I bet if we both tried that we could help Mia out. It seems like she can't figure out a way past this door."

 "Well let's try it." Aquir said. Both of the elementals focused all their might onto the center of the door. "Push harder!!" Aquir yelled out. The door began to make noise and vibrate.

 "What in the world is going on with this door?" Mia asked herself. She placed her hand onto the door to try and feel what was going on. She smiled with what she felt. "Tolvash, Aquir, I feel you." Mia was glad. "Thanks, you two. I am glad to know you both still with me." Mia then pushed with all her might on the door as well. After a short time, the door fell down and broke from its frame. "Alright I am inside! Now to find Lucy." Mia began to sneak around the base. She would shoot enemies before they even knew she was there. Due to the silent nature of her gun the rest of the base was not alerted to her presence. She explored room after room, but found no sign of Lucy. What she found instead were stacks and stacks of packages of white powder. "I wonder what all this powder is." Mia said as she kept finding more and more of it. Finally, Mia made her way to the command center of the base. Inside the room sat a man behind a large desk. He had a large mustache and was of a stocky build.

 "And who are you sir." The man behind the desk asked. "What balls you have to just barge in and attack us so…" Before he could finish his sentence, Mia shot him several times in the chest.

 "I think that's everyone." Mia said to herself. "I didn't find any trace of Lucy. He must be held at one of the other bases."

 "Damn." Tolvash said to Aquir. "Did you see that? Mia didn't even let the guy finish his bad guy speech."

 "I saw!" Aquir replied. "When we shared her body, I would watch her old memories for fun. One of those memories I watched was of her old master when she was the hero of the church. He told her, "If you ever find yourself in a situation where your enemy is talking, use that moment to strike." So, I think that is the reason she did that."

 "Wow, her old master was a wise man." Tolvash said. "I am going to have to watch some of those memories for myself when we get back inside of her."

 "Oh, they are very entertaining." Aquir said.

 Mia pulled out the phone she was given and unlocked it as she was instructed to do. "Okay she said I just had to press the green button, and there is the number." She said to herself as she tried to figure the phone out.

 "Mia?" Monica said over the phone. "Did you find your friend?"

 "No, this whole place only contained white powder." Mia explained. "It was a total bust."

 "White powder?!" Monica sounded shocked. "Was there by chance a large man with a mustache?"

 "Yes, he was taken out, along with everyone else." Mia replied.

 "That's amazing. Truly amazing Mia." Monica said. "That man is one of the most notorious criminals in the world. He controlled the drug trade for that entire organization. He was feared the world over for his ruthlessness and his demeanor."

 "Well, he is dead now." Mia explained. "So, can you pick me up? I want to go ahead and head to the next base."

 "I can pick you up, yes." Monica answered. "But the next base will have to wait, we only have enough fuel to return to the base. Besides you need to give General Adams a debriefing about everything that happened. Meet me at the front lawn, I will put the helicopter down there."

 Mia made her way out to the helicopter. Before she entered, she yelled out. "Tolvash, Aquir, I hope you are with me because we are leaving now. Don't get left behind."

 "Who are you yelling at Mia?" Monica asked. "They have very interesting names."

 "Elementals from my world. They used to inhabit my body with me, but it seems like they are just floating around now without form." Mia explained. "If I am being honest I kind of miss being able to talk to them whenever I wanted. I even miss them teasing me constantly."

 "Ah did you hear that Tolvash?" Aquir asked. "She misses us. I think that gives me permission to be extra annoying when we get back to our world."

 "I think that it does indeed." Tolvash answered. "I honestly just hope that we can return to our world. Without magic, it truly seems impossible."

 "I am sure Mia will figure something out." Aquir said. "Right now, we need to help her find Lucy. I feel like the two of them together can do anything. Including finding a way for us to head back home."