Another General?!

   Mia traversed the interior of the base crates and crates were stacked up along the walls. Mia decided to open one of the crates to see what was inside. The crates contained high powered assault rifles. Each crate contains over twenty guns and there more crates than Mia cared to count. "Must be the weapons base." Mia sighed, knowing her odds of finding Lucell in this base were slim. She continued on, searching room by room. The guards were mostly nonexistent because they had all rushed her outside. When Mia encountered a guard here, she ended them quickly and silently as to not draw attention. Finally, Mia found a passage that led down beneath the earth. Upon exiting the passageway, she could see rows and rows of jail cells. In the distance she could hear someone banging on their bars and yelling in a deep voice.

   Mia spotted who appeared to be the warden of the jail and snuck up on him. With a quick motion she snapped his neck and liberated his keys from his person. She then traveled towards the noise that was being made in hopes that it was Lucell. Mia's heart began to race as she got closer and closer. Finally, she was close enough to see the figure in the cell. "General Adams?" Mia asked. "What are you doing here?"

   "Oh, thank god a rescue party." The man in the cell said. "Wait how do you know who I am, we have never met before."

   "What, no you are the one who recruited me." Mia explained. "What do you mean we never met?"

   "Those bastards." General Adams said. "I was wondering why no one came, it's because they had a doppelganger of me. Tell me who you are and what is your mission."

   "I am Mia, and my mission is to destroy the evil organization while I look for my friend that they took." Mia explained. "You, well the other you anyway, are the one who gave me this mission. You really have no idea what's going on?"

   "I have been here for months." Adams said. "There is no way I did anything for you. It was all my doppelganger, but what is he hoping to accomplish?"

   "He told me your unit was responsible for taking out the evil organization." Mia said.

   "That's not what we do." Adams said. "My unit's job is to advance our technology, and provide prototypes for use in general combat. The doppelganger must be after our unit's tech, but why would he go through such an elaborate scheme of replacing me? The fact that he changed the base's objective does give me a clue."

   "What do you think his plan is?" Mia asked.

   "I don't know for sure, but I would say that he intends to take over the organization and is using my forces to do it." Adams explained. "Only thing I could think of, he uses my unit's tech and man power and takes out his competition."

   "So, the four bases he wanted me to attack?" Mia asked.

   "Most likely those were his competitors within the organization." Adams explained. "If I was a betting man I would guess that he was the one who took your friend. To try to get you to bend to his will. Tell me how did you meet him?"

   "Well he found me after Lucy and I were attacked in an alley." Mia said.

   "And you never found that odd?" Adams questioned. "That the General in charge of dismantling the very organization that took your friend just happened to be in the same alley that you were attacked in?"

   "I guess that is kind of strange." Mia said. "I just never put it together like that."

   "I'm guessing those bases were all close as well." Adams said. "My only question is if he knew I was still alive and being held at this base, why did he send you here?"

   "I don't really know." Mia said. "But we should get you out of here." Mia then opened the General's cell door and exited the compound with him. She then called Monica for extraction. "Monica, mission complete, there are complications though."

   "Not more women I hope." Monica said.

   "No, I have General Adams with me." Mia explained. "The real General Adams apparently."

   "What?!" Monica yelled on the phone. "Meet me outside the gate. I am landing there."

   Mia and the General leave the gate and find Monica right outside of the gate. "Monica it's good to see you again." Adams said. "I am glad my doppelganger has not done any harm to you."

   "No sir." Monica said. "If it's really you, tell me something only the real General Adams would know."

   "Understandable." Adams said. "One day you were drunk and you told me about how much you wanted to…"

   "Sir!" Monica cut him off. "I am glad you are back sir!"

   "Wait what was he going to say?" Mia asked.

   "Nothing for you to hear Mia." Monica replied. "We should hurry back to base and confront the fake General."

   "I agree." Mia said. With that the trio got into the jet and flew back to base. Upon landing they found a stick in the ground in front of the hanger with a note attached to it.

   Dear Mia, if you are reading this note, that means that it did not blow away and the tacks I got from the dollar store did their job! Also, you must have found the real General. My real name is Victor and I am commander in the organization that you have been fighting so hard against. Yes, I know where the red man is. I have known this entire time. Since you have taken out so much of my competition, I suppose it only fair that I share it with you. It's the fourth base, I honestly didn't lie when I told you he was in one of those four bases. The scientist there is working on trans dimensional travel, so I would suggest not going in guns blazing since he might be your only key home. As for all of the women you rescued, don't worry they are with me now. I would never use them in the manner they had been before, although I do intend to train them into becoming assassins. Now I am sure you are wondering why a criminal mastermind such as myself made the mistake of sending you to the prison where the man I was pretended to be was being held. Well the answer is simple, I forgot he was there. I have a lot on my plate, sometimes I forget things! The important thing is I remembered after you left so I had time to escape. Good Luck getting back to your home and thank you for all the hard work you did for me! You are just the best! -Victor

   "Why leave a detailed note?" Adams asked. "Seriously how did he fool you all for these months?"

   "He was a very convincing you sir." Monica said.

   "Sally, she suspected this and I told her to trust him." Mia said while she smashed the note in her hand.

   "We will work on catching Victor." Adams said. "Right now, I need to do some damage control, the senate is going to kill me."

   "Monica can you take me to the fourth base now?" Mia asked.

   "General?" Monica asked.

   "Take him." Adams said. "I have so much to do."

   "Sir!" Monica responded. "Come on Mia, I will take you there right away."

   "Alright, let's go." Mia said as both her and Monica got back into the jet. "This time I am coming for you Lucy! Hold out just a little longer."

   Meanwhile back at the base of Dr. Schmidt, the video phone was ringing. Dr. Schmidt answered it to find the dark figure back again. "Doctor the secondary specimen is headed to your location. Please pull back all your guards, unless of course you want them to die."

   "But what about my research?" Schmidt said. "I need more time."

   "I left a note asking them not to kill you." The man on the screen said. "Sadly, that is the best I can do right now. My advice would be to surrender the red man as soon as they arrive."