Bath Time with a Goddess

   Mia stripped down and put her clothes in the container, when she finished, she turned back to look at Lucell. He had undressed as well. "Well let's go wash up." Mia said. Mia looked down and saw that Lucell was already excited. "Remember what we just talked about Lucy!"

  "No chance he lasts the whole bath." Acquir said.

  "He might not even make it to the water." Tolvash said.

  "Hush you two." Mia said.

  "Elementals picking on me again?" Lucell asked.

  "They are taking bets on if you last the whole bath or not." Mia said. "I think you will, I have faith in you."

  "I am glad one of us does." Lucell said. "I will try not to disappoint you Miss Mia." With that Lucell and Mia went into the main area of the bath house, where the bath was. When they entered the room, they immediately heard a familiar voice calling to them.