The Slaver's Camp

   "Well why not!" Mia protested. "You just said you believed my story!"

   "Well, we do." One guard said. "But you just proved how dangerous you are, we can't, and good conscience let you visit our lord, he would be powerless against you."

   Mia placed her head in her hand. "How can I prove I am not a threat?" Mia sighed.

   "After that display, I don't think you can." The other guard said, still staring at the glass. "But you may be able to prove you are an ally to our kingdom, and if you can prove that we will allow you entry."

   "And how can I do that?" Mia asked, annoyed at this point.

   "Well there is a group of slavers we have been unable to take care of." The guard said.

   "Slavery is a crime, yet people still kidnap others and force them into a life of slavery." The other guard said.

   "Our superiors will not allow us to leave the city and hunt them down life the vermin that they are." The first guard continued.