farewell party 2


I couldn't believe my eyes at that moment,I never imagined that this was all for Kayden and I,it was beyond amazing,I saw Maddie smiling sheepishly then I remembered what happened a while ago,I pulled her to my side and flicked her forehead.

ouch!! what was that for,she grumbled rubbing her head.

That was for scaring the guts outta me, how can you use such a scary trick to give a surprise,I replied.

oh c'mon,do you think I'll just give you a surprise without spicing it up hmm,she said staring at me with a questioning look.

well if that's how you plan on surprising me then I might actually die of high blood pressure,I said with a frown.

well you then buckle up because I have more in store for you,she said with a sinister smirk.

Maddie !! I yelled quietly so as not to attract other people's attention.

jeez Kayla don't look at me like that,oh hey they are playing a game,she said as she turned to join the others hastily.

I just chuckled,she would never change her ways still as stubborn as she has been since we were kids.

I joined the others and realized they were playing truth or dare,and something crossed my mind I haven't seen Quinn nor Damien,which meant they weren't here and I was glad that they didn't come else the party excitement would have gone sour for me.

I sat down close to Maddie and joined in the game as well.

Dave one of our classmates explained the rules,as you can see there is a bottle on the table, someone spins it and whoever the tip faces will be asked to choose either truth or dare and the person who spinned the bottle then asks him/her a question if they picked truth or dare them to do something if they chose dare,if you tell a lie or refuse to do as you are asked you pay ten bucks,no restrictions on the dares which mean you can be asked to do anything absolutely anything, same goes for the truths,any questions can be asked which also can involve personal questions,inside this basket there are numbers written on each piece of folded paper,the number you pick determines your turn like if you picked number five you are the going to be the fifth person to spin the bottle,he concluded as he placed the basket on the table.

I dipped my hands into the basket and picked mine like everyone else, I opened mine a 'number 3' was was wirtten boldly on it,I faced Maddie.

what number did you pick up,I asked.

number five, she replied.

I asked Kayden and he said he picked m

number seven.

The first person to spin the bottle was Jason,he spinned the bottle.

The bottle twirled and twirled,with all eyes following it each time it spinned facing me my heart would miss a beat and finally it stopped facing Kayden.

His face at the moment turned sour as her stared at his best friend,Jason on the on other hand had a sinister smile plastered on his face which made kayden's face darkened the more,it looked so hilarious and I had the feeling I knew why he looked so pitiful,it ,I faced Maddie who was busy watching lazily,she has no idea what's gonna happen.

Truth or Dare,Jason asked still having the sly smile on his face.

Jason hesitated for a while and then mind linked me,one of our werewolf abilities it is usually between mates but since we are twins we kinda share that abilities cool right.

Kayla you have got to help me,he said.

how on Earth am I supposed to help you I think it's better you face your problems yourself,I replied.

c'mon kayla you know what he's gonna do,he said in a fidgety tone.

yeah I do,I think you should pick truth and that way you won't have to do anything crazy and just say the truth it's not gonna kill you,I replied not hiding the excitement in my voice.

you really enjoy seeing me in situations like this,are you even my sister,he said in a pitiful voice.

yeah I do and I'm your sister now get outta my Head,I said as I broke the link.

Kayden we are waiting, Jason said staring at Kayden.

i pick truth,he replied.

Jason smiled in satisfaction then asked; ahem I will ask you a very simple question,so tell us the name of the person you are in love with,no lying, if you do you pay me ten bucks,Jason stretched out his hands

I turned to Maddie and her face had turned a light shade of red and I could hear her heartbeat running wild,she was anxiously waiting as she stared at Kayden.

and Kayden on the other hand was quiet,with his ears already red.

We are waiting,I said smiling at him who in turn glared at me,I just ignored him,I felt Maddie pinch me I faced her and she gave me the 'please shut your mouth' look,I just gave her the cheekiest smile.

yeah tell us,it's just a name,Jason added.

Jason took a deep breath and said in a low tone; 'Maddie'

what I can't hear you,one of his teammates said obviously amused.

I said Maddie,Kayden replied sounding louder this time.

OMG,Kayden likes Maddie I didn't even know,I said with a surprised look on my face. why didn't you tell me huh,I added trying to sound upset.

Kayden glared at me and directed his gaze to my right I followed his line of sight and it landed on Maddie.

I've even forgotten about her,she had turned crimson red as all eyes were on her,this moment would definitely be an unforgettable moment.she quickly got up and ran out of the room,Kayden tried following her.

whoa whoa easy there lover boy,she's fine,leave her to me,I said as I pulled him back to his seat.

you guys continue I'll go get her,I added.


Maddie,I said it's Maddie,his words kept ringing in my head,it was all I could hear.

I didn't know when I ran out of the room,I entered the kitchen opened the refrigerator and took out can of water,I opened it and drank almost half of it hoping to calm my racing heart,my cheeks were feeling so hot,I must look like an overripe tomato.

Your face looks so cute when you are shy, Kayla's familiar voice rang I turned to her she was all smiles.

you planned this didn't you,I asked trying my best to look serious.

she just started laughing like she was looking at a funny cartoon.

what's so funny,I asked feeling confused.

it's nothing,it just that you looked hilarious a moment ago,but truly speaking I didn't plan anything,she replied.

are you sure,I asked not ready to believe her.

truly speaking I didn't,how am i supposed to plan this when I didn't even know that there was a party in the first place and you joined the game before me,she replied looking at me with sad eyes.

you have a point though,I replied.

Hmm I do,so tell me do you also like my brother,she asked with a teasing smile.

i.i.i.i like him too,I replied with my head bent,my cheeks were heating up.

well then it's settled,you guys can make it official then,she said.

it's better we don't make it official,it will be of no use,I replied I suddenly felt sad,I fell in love with Kayden without knowing but I knew it wasn't possible to be with him,so I never bothered telling him how I felt.

But why don't you wanna make it official you like him he likes you,what's stopping you from making it official,she asked.

Don't you get it Karla,we can't be together even if we start dating sooner or later he will find his mate and then I'll be left alone,it's not like a human can be a werewolf's mate,I replied feeling dejected.

Oh that,I totally forgot,I'm sorry Maddie I didn't mean to,she apologized as she held my hand.

it's not your fault,I just wish there was a way,I replied.

If there was a way hmm,Kayla scrunched her her brows like she was thinking be then she flicked her fingers said,I got it.

I stared at her wide eyed,you mean,I asked to confirm.

yes what do you think,Kayla asked.

well I don't know,what if he doesn't turn out to be my mate then what!! I replied.

I'm sure the moon goddess picked you to be his mate you both are a perfect pair,she added.

well if you say so we'll talk to your parents about it,I just hope they agree,I said.

They will, now let's get back to the party,she said and with that pulled me back to the party.


we went back to the party and when we got there they were still on the game.

The moment I sat down the bottle stopped in front of me. seriously ??

I raised my head looking for who spinned the bottle and I saw Dave..

Truth or Dare,he asked.

I smiled and replied;Dare.

he placed a bottle on the table and a shot glass before speaking.

I dare you to take 10 shots of the scotch straight without stopping mid way,he said.

Not a a problem so easy,I poured the the first shot and downed it after all I can't get drunk,I finished all the shots.

After the game of Truth or Dare we went into karaoke.

it got to Maddie she chose let it go from the Disney cartoon frozen.she picked up the mic and started singing.

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

not a footprint to be seen

a kingdom of isolation

and it looks like I'm the queen

the wind is howling

like this swirling

storm inside

couldn't keep in

heaven knows I tried

don't let them in

don't let them see

be the good girl

you always have to be

conceal don't feel

don't let them know

well now they knooooww

let it go

let it go

can't hold it back anymore....

she finished her song and there were rounds upon rounds of applause.

it got to my turn,I picked cheap thrills by Sia

Bounce with it girl

Rock with it girl

Dance with it giirrll

The bang bang

c'mon c'mon

turn the radio on

it's Friday night and I won't

be long,gotta do my hair

put my makeup on

it's friday night and I won't be long

till I hit the dance floor

hit the dance floor

I got all I need

cos I ain't got guts

I ain't got guts but

I got you baby..

I finished my song and sat back down, everyone took turns in singing.

before the party finally rounded up and soon everyone exited the house it was already getting dark.

Jason was speaking with Kayden while I spoke with Maddie.

ok guys see you sometime, Jason said waving at us.

Till then,I replied.

Bye bro,Kayden said as he side hugged Jason.

see you in school,Maddie added waved her hands at Jason.

Three of us entered the car and the driver kicked the car to life.the engine roared back in response and we moved into the streets,I looked out the window taking in the view.we drove in silence with everyone having their own thoughts.

we arrived home,I got down from the car followed by Maddie.

ugh I'm so exhausted,she murmured stretching.

yeah me too,I replied.

it's time for,Maddie said waiting for my reply.

Hot tub !! we both exclaimed.

Kayden frowned. I better get oytta here before they start screaming,he murmured and walked into the house.

Maddie and I entered as well to so mum and dad.

Evening mum and dad,we both greeted. in unison.

Evening dearies,mum said.

How was your little party,dad asked.

fine,we said.

we are going to freshen up,I said and pulled Maddie along.

That was the greatest party ever, Maddie said all smiles

I totally agree with you,thanks to you guys,I replied.

she responded by saying, it was nothing you both deserve such a farewell party.

I smiled,I am very lucky to have her as a friend.

the day ended up great,my bestie was already sleeping,I stared at her.

don't you worry I'll make your dreams come true.