

I gasp and cover my neck as I run turn and try not to run to the bathroom holding back my embarrassment nodding to people who are trying to engage in conversation with me as I walk quickly. Slipping into the very large bathroom closing the door behind me so that I can look into the mirror to see what Mikeal meant. Turning my head so I can see the left side of my neck clearly, I gasp as I see see what looks like a little keyhole raising from my skin, I slide my fingers to it and once one of them touch it I gasp again and yank my hand from my neck. The keyhole was not solid, you could put your finger in it like a real keyhole, this wasn't just like a tattoo. I grit my teeth as I hold back a scream of frustration, what did Mikeal do to me? No matter what he did, he did it without asking me, how did he put a keyhole into my body, it felt as if he was just biting me. As I stared at it more I watched as the keyhole started to disappear and in it's place was a softy outline of what looked like a faded tattoo of a keyhole and a beauty mark was in the center of it. Trying to rub it off I bit my lip hard, I don't get it! Maybe I thought it was a keyhole, I don't understand, I'm not insane, not yet. Still staring at myself, at the mark, I see the door to my right swing up violently as Brianna walks in, her eyes are large as she glares at the mark on my neck.

"I don't know what or who you truly are, but know this Freya Odam. You are not taking him from me, I don't care who you look like or act like. Mikeal is mine." She almost growled it at me and I turned to her, already pissed off at Mikeal for somehow getting this think on my neck in a few seconds and I wasn't in the mood to deal with petty highschool stuff.

"Then end me already. I have no clue what you're talking about. I don't know what this is, I don't know why you girls want to have Mikeal so badly if he hasn't taken you yet don't you think that is a sign?" I talk harshly and quick almost spitting the words out of my mouth as I go right in front of her realizing how my movements are much more elegant in this corset and gown than in my normal attire. Brianna's lips twitch as she glares at me, a flash shows in the side of my eye as she raises her hand to hit me making me hold my chin up not backing down from her even if her hit may knock me out, though doubtful. Her hand comes close in contact with me then stops as I feel something inside of me burn a little and my neck feels as though it's being bitten all over again as Brianna looks at the mark with fear filling her eyes.

"I truly hope you didn't plan on actually hitting my chosen one Brianna." Mikeal's voice purred through the door as he walked up to us grinning. "See I learnt a lesson last time I love someone." He looked at me and smiled before he brought me to him and though I don't want him to hold me I stay still.

"My mark is stronger now and you'll learn to respect me by not being able to touch her like that again." As he finished his sentence I could see Brianna's face contort slightly but then went back to normal before she screamed a little leaving the bathroom to just me and Mikeal.

"What were you thinking some how tattooing my neck!" My voice is loud but trying not to scream at him, as he brings me to the mirror standing behind me he pulls my hair all over to the right side of my body before he leans down and kisses the spot with the mark. He looks into my eyes through the mirror grinning.

"I wanted everyone to see just who's girl you are." His voice was so strong with passion looking at me that I couldn't do anything just stare back at him and bite my lip. I tried to get from him but his arms hold me in place as I glare at his image in the mirror.

"Mikeal, how did you even do this with your mouth?" I ask him angry and feeling like a fool for believing that he thought I was anything more than some property that he had to label as his. He smiles at me and turns me to face him so I look into his beautiful face, the bad boy grin plastered on his face.

"This is your engagement present me from me. It's the keyhole to your heart, I opened after I bit you." He seemed like this was normal that the body would do that for him. I pull away from him and look at him anger swelling in my chest.

"I do not want you to ever mark me again! What makes you think that it was alright to do that without my permission! We aren't even actually really engaged!" My voice was tight as I tried to control myself, not wanting everyone outside of the bathroom to heal what I'm saying to him.

"Oh we are very much engaged my little lamb. With that mark you're now mine and tonight you're going to discover what I truly am. So enjoy the party until we go back home." Mikeal growled at me as he backed me into the wall of the bathroom standing so close to me it was almost like I was breathing in his breath.

"What you are? What do you mean?" I'll admit that caused a little bit of fear to shiver through my body. He grinned at me licking my cheek before he kissed my forehead and walked away from me to the door.

"Come my chubby little lamb. I'll answer your questions at home." He looked to me and held out his hand to me, the way he looked exuded danger and sexiness, his body leaning against the door, messy hair, the tux, everything was just deadly. "I promise." I look up to his eyes as he says this and I nod slightly very hesitant, unknowing what he will say to me, and it worries me. I take his hand as he escorts me out of the bathroom back into the room full of people, and it seemed to be getting fuller. He better not be lying, I'll keep up for tonight but after this, I need real answers, and I hold promises very dear! I nod to myself as this gets a little laugh from Mikeal beside me.

"You are cute when you're upset." Mikeal spoke softly to me by my ear, my face blushed hard as I bit my lip hard trying to look away from him, his arm had me tightly though so I couldn't get away from him very easily without causing a seen.

"I'm not Mikeal, you're just being an as* like usual." I glare at him before softening my face up a bit as people with lots of money started coming up to us asking Mikeal about where he's been and how the business was going. I sighed softly while I kept a small smile on my face before Mikeal brought me to the side of the room again.

"Lets go home. I can't wait to show you what lays in your future." Grinning he looked me in the eyes and he caused that feeling again in my body, I was getting very hot as I look at him.

"Okay, you will call the car up?" I speak softy to him.