

Walking out of my study I glance over to Freya's room only to notice trays of untouched food from the day, tilting my head at the sight I decide to walk closer to her room and knock gently on her door before my butler comes to me.

"She woke up late last night and hasn't stopped drawing since, she asked that we just leave the food here so she wasn't disturbed Sir." My butler's old and sturdy voice spoke, though I could tell he was slightly worried, though normally silly things that humans do like not eat never bothers him, so what else could it be? I raise my brow up at him as I reply.

"What is bothering you Vincent?" He looks up to my eyes as he nods before looking to her door.

"What she is drawing. Is it your doing?" He spoke to me a hint of nervousness exposing his true feelings. What she is drawing, what did he mean exactly about what she is drawing? I open the door to peek inside my eyes widening at the sight of her room. Cans of energy drinks everywhere, as she sits at her desk in a hoodie and knee high socks, her hair is all over the place as I see papers on the floor beside her. My face darkens as I look at the images, as I relive the moment of bringing Eva into our home. Taking a breath in I look at the rest of the papers quietly so I didn't disturb her, though it is true I gave her the first dream to see if there was a connection to her, if her soul was truly the same, I did not actually expect anything from it. These drawings and the story she is unfolding in it are very compelling evidence that she is in fact the reincarnation of my true love, my Eva, but she is still my Freya. Both my little lambs of love. I grind my teeth not wanting to relive that again, not wanting anyone to see my weakness, she can never publish my story.

"I hope you do not think that you can actually publish this story." I speak very quietly watching her body slightly jump, not realizing I was there.


I jump up at the sound of his voice as I gasp a bit, looking up at into his eyes, his bad boy image in full effect, with his hair messy, leather pants with black boots, and a have button shirt with only one side tucked in. His toothpick rolling over his lips as I grab another piece of paper and I begin sketching another scene, not really understanding what he said. I needed to get this story out of my head, I needed to share this; this beautiful tale. Suddenly all my papers are throwing off my desk as I jump back almost falling off my chair as I look at Mikeal, his eyes now almost black as the rooms temperature lowers quite a bit.

"What is your problem?!" I half yell at him as I start scrambling to pick up the pages I worked all night and day on. He growls and grabs some of the paper from me throwing it back down, crumbling as he does so.

"This isn't your story to share, you can not publish this." His voice is full of anger at this point, as it reminds me of the night when he threw Brianna out of the room. Fear crawls up my back like a large hairy spider clinging to my spinal cord, I start to pick up the paper again quickly to protect it before he gets too upset.

"It's a dream I had Mikeal, it's not a story you told me. So no, it's not your story. Just because you're the main character in my stories now doesn't mean that they are your stories." I spoke as calm as I could so that he knew I wasn't trying to be aggressive towards him, just stating a fact. I could feel his eyes glaring at me as I placed the papers in a drawer by bed, looking back over at him I gasp as I see the anger piercing me threw his gaze.

"You dreamed of my story little lamb, you connected to something, but this is my story." His voice was low, his raspy deep tones were engulfing me and the seduction was full of danger. I didn't know my body could feel this way from just a small sentence, not this intensely at least.

"This story is based in a time around the Victorian era, maybe a little before it even. It can't be your story Mikeal, please, no one will actually think it's your real story, come on." I spoke trying to smile at him to comfort him a little, maybe he was worried it would make him look weak in real life if people associated him with saving the damsel in distress from her horrid father. He growled at me and in an instant he is was in front of me throwing me onto my bed, I let out a little scream, though this time I was not letting my fear get me I knew Mikeal wouldn't actually hurt me I had to believe that, I wasn't going to black out again. I started to raise up a little then I felt the bed lower and within seconds he was over me keeping me laying still there as he just laid over me holding his body up from actually touching me.

"This. Is. My. Story. Do you understand little chubby lamb." For the first time since I met him I felt like his pet name for me was actually a threat from a predator to his prey. I bit my lip as I hear a soft groan come from his throat his almost completely black eyes making me shake a little.

"I don't understand." I manage to squeak out before he grins down at me, he leans into my body a bit, I can hear him sniffing my neck and hair before he comes face to face with me again. I swallow a bunch of saliva that was starting to pool in my mouth, my fear trying hard to smash through my barriers. Imaging different colours and speaking their names in my head I keep myself calm and controlled as his face stayed stone staring at me. His eyes look down to the mark on my neck that he had left, it began to hurt as he stared at it my shoulder instinctively shrugging upwards crushing it into my head trying to ease the pain. He growls again before sliding off of me, he stands and pushes his hair from his face before looking back at me then at the door. My eyes follow his as Brianna stood there with Henry and Nancy standing with the butler, just when I thought it couldn't go any worse Claudia's head poked up a bit from behind Brianna. I can't imagine what it looked like we were doing on my bed.

"Yes?" His voice laced with annoyance as he glared at them then glanced at me as I basically melted off my bed and onto the floor my face flushed so red I thought it would explode from the embarrassment. I just wanted to draw people, I don't need any more of this drama.