

We all arrived at the same time in front of a large theater, the girls wouldn't leave me alone for a minute of the drive as I watched my little lamb distance herself and eventually slide in the limo over to where Henry was. It irritated me watching him put his hand on her arm as they talked and laughed a little, I couldn't hear what they were talking about over the horrid conversations the girls were trying to get me to be apart of.

"Enough, get out." I spoke loudly losing my cool as I pushed past them not caring if I pushed them into the seat more, I needed out of the enclosed space, I wanted my chubby lamb pleasantly placed in my arms. The driver opened the door just as I was about to and I sighed breathing in the fresh air, I couldn't stand the stench of all the perfume, turning back to the limo I watched as all the girls exited the limo except Freya. Henry exited the limo and held his hand out for my little lamb, as Claudia tried to grab for my hand and Brianna tried to entangle her arm with mine. I tilted my head to the side glaring down at the girls before I shook them off walking to the limo standing in front of Henry, I also put my hand out for Freya and as if it was meant to be right after she saw my hand she took it like I was her life line, then gently placed her hand in Henry's. Her hands were so small, chubby but delicate, such pale soft skin with red knuckles, I was happy when I saw she was able to remove all the charcoal from her fingers. Helping her out I pulled her to me grinning at Henry as he nodded to me walking back to Nancy, who did not look pleased that her 'boyfriend' was helping another woman out of the limo.

"Mikeal, do bad boys usually come to the theater? Or is it just cause you have money and are being made to go by the girls?" Her voice was so quiet and so perfect to my hears, especially after hearing the other women and their fake voices that they get when they are trying to butter me up.

"I'm a cultured bad boy my little lamb, I enjoy art, I enjoy spending time with you." I smiled down at her watching her face flush pink as she looked to the ground causing me to lift her chin with a couple of my fingers before i kissed her cheek and continued. "Besides this bad boy doesn't really fall into anyone's box of what I should do or act like. I'm me, which you'll get to know fully soon." I let her drink in the seduction in my voice as she nodded at me giving me an unsure smile before I let her go to continue leading her into the huge building. Before long we were in our seats, placed in a balcony with the rest of the girls and Henry, though I wished it was just me and my little lamb so I could play little games with the hem of her skirt. I had her sit away from the other women so that she was only beside me and Henry, me on the end, her then Henry, Nancy, Brianna and Claudia. Taking a deep breath in I lean into the chair not caring how I looked with my legs spread and my long body sprawled besides my fiance, I could hear people whispering as they looked from other balcony's, talking about how disrespectful I was and how could someone like me afford those seats. It made me grin and put my hand on Freya's as the light went out and the show began. The show began on a farm, a young brunette woman and her elderly father are working in the fields, her father decides she isn't working fast enough so he begins to whip her as two young men, brothers show up. They walk calmly through the field causing the father to stop his assault on his young daughter, the men are both strong looking and the elderly father agrees to have them stay and help out around the farm. Both men help the woman up even though the father says to leave her to learn her mistakes. In time the men and the young woman get very close, both brothers stealing kisses from her and courting her, all behind her father's back. One night after both brothers kiss the young woman on the lips one right after another, her father watches on very angrily. That night her father came into her room took her innocence away before beating her and locking her into the room. The father tells them she had to leave, and that they didn't need to think about her any more. I notice my little lamb go rigid at the awful r*pe scene and I pull her close to me, even though I'd had the awful thoughts of doing that to her as punishment, but that would more of a consensual role play than a real sin. My breathing gets deeper as and I notice Freya jump up when the play starts up a winter scene where the father is murdered by the brothers, who end up being demons and carrying her home with them. I can't move as I watch it more, my heart burning and I feel Claudia watching Freya as my past, our past is played out for everyone to witness. My anger begins to rise as the play goes on and my little lamb hasn't moved a muscle, when suddenly the actors on stage begin to play out a very intimate part of my history as the brothers and one of their friends, all who have fallen for the charms of the woman begin to surround her, touching her, kissing her. I growl and push out my power causing the illusion of being frozen on everyone including the actors, except any demons who may be in the audience.

"Which one of you did this!?" I growled starring at the women who just seconds ago had the most smug looks on their faces and were now so scared they couldn't move their lips. Nancy was frozen as Henry looked just as angry as me. Suddenly Freya jumped beside me, I had forgot my power doesn't work on her, but it wasn't the frozen people all around her that caught her attention, but the two unfrozen ones on another balcony starring at us, my brother Edgar and his wife sat there, Edgar fuming and glaring at the women as well.

"Mikeal please, we just thought she should get to know you, know how you guys worked before and just what type of woman you truly like." Claudia whose voice sounded like she was just brushing this off suddenly jolted after she spoke her words as Edgar appeared in front of her, ready to slap her. My little lamb jumped up behind me at the same time, I'm sure she was in shock, with the play matching some of her dreams and the fact everyone but us were frozen even her sister. As I turned my body to look at her I watched her fall over the balcony railing not even screaming as she was fully free falling from the 30 feet high third tier balcony box. Before I could breathe again Edgar, Henry and myself were all flying forward reaching out for her, my hand on her left ankle, Henry had her right ankle as Edgar was able lean down and grab her waist as we pulled her up. Glaring at the other two men touching my little lamb, my fiance, I pulled her to me out of their hands, I look down at her as her eyes dart all over the place with her breathing erratic.

"Calm down little one, you are okay now, calm down." I pet her face gently as I feel her breathing steady and her eyes begin to close, glaring up at everyone before I set my fiercest look on Claudia and Brianna, I growl again as I stand up holding Freya in my arms.

"Oh come on boys, it was only a joke, just to make Freya see exactly what Mikeal is going to and wants to do with her. To show her she's not special, she's just another Eva to be f*cked by all the hot demon men she could find." Brianna spoke as Claudia grinned looking up at Henry thinking Henry wouldn't discipline his littlest sister, but forgetting that my brother and I could care less. Edgar grabs Brianna's throat as Claudia is lifted by her hair by Henry.

"Listen now, I may have moved on, I may have a wife whom I love very dearly now, but if you ever present Eva's life or talk about her again especially in a disrespectful way after what you did to her, what you did to us." Edgar's manly smooth voice came out in a choked growl as he held his powers in check. "My wife and I will visit you both, and you will not enjoy the games we enjoy playing in the bedroom." Edgar's eyes flicker to his wife's, who is still in the balcony they were occupying before he came over. Fear washes over both the women and the nod quickly being released. My inked up fingers caress Freya's little face before I exit the balcony calling for my driver and vehicle. She needs to rest, to come out of this shock, and hopefully she'll let me explain before she runs off into her own imagination about the situation.