Isn’t it lovely?

Tiyfier- Opluralon maybe we can sleep together?

Opluralon- yeah

5 mins later

Jayce- Wastin I don't want to waste no time so let's sneak out and live a little?

Wastin- bet I just need to change then we can

(Opluralon and Tiyfier walk in)

Jayce- well a knock would be nice

Opluralon- well I didn't hear no moaning so I think we're good

Wastin- wow still would like a knock

Opluralon- mmm nah

Tiyfier- so like what are we going to do tonight cause I'm bored

(Wastin comes out in a black nike shirt, some black joggers, and black socks and slides)

Jayce- damn Wastin you know how to work outfits

Wastin- (blushing a little) yeah I guess

Tiyfier- awh Was never blushes

Wastin- yeah cause I live with you

Tiyfier- hey I'm cute

Wastin- no

Tiyfier- okay somebody jealous but yeah any plots?

Wastin- (chuckles) yeah Jayce and I are going out of the castle in like 5 mins and explore a little

Tiyfier and Opluralon- bet

Wastin- hey bring some snacks and money just in case

Opluralon- and weapons

Tiyfier- and water

Jayce- and happiness

Wastin- way to kill a mood

Jayce- you know you're the actual mood killer

(Tiyfier, and Opluralon shakes their head up-and-down saying they agree)

Wastin- well damn

(5 mins later Tiyfier comes out in a black shirt, black shorts, and black shoes. Opluralon comes out in a black crop top, black bike rider shorts, and black shoes.)

Wastin- okay so y'all ready

Tiyfier- aye put on some shoes

Wastin- fine

(Wastin puts on his black shoes)

Opluralon- I'm surprised he listen to you

Wastin- yeah cause what he said is something I can do and isn't a bad idea

Opluralon- oh okay didn't mean to bother you

Wastin- well you did

Jayce- alright how do I look?

Wastin- (chuckles) great.

Tiyfier and Opluralon -good

(Jayce is wearing a black biker jacket, a black crop top, black shorts, and black shoes)

Wastin- alright lets go

Out of the castle

Wastin- okay there's my car hop in guys

Opluralon - I love your car

Tiyfier- yeah he was always a show off

Jayce- wow you take care of this beauty

Wastin- hell yeah

10 mins into the drive

Wastin- wow this place is beautiful

Tiyfier- yeah you can say that again

Opluralon- omg

Jayce- Wow. It's like the sky is blue on one side then light blue and orange on the other. The trees here full different shades of green. The lake is so clear and calming with flowers in it. This place is beautiful.

Opluralon- yeah that's exactly how to describe

Tiyfier- it's art

Wastin- I can't believe you were born here

Tiyfier- why can't you believe it? I'm literally amazing.

Wastin- you are😂

Opluralon- you are so full of sh-

Tiyfier- hey hey nice words now luv

Opluralon- don't c-

Tiyfier- hey hey now keep calm

Opluralon- Tiy-

Tiyfier- hey hey now my luv I'm here so shhh come here

Jayce- wow Tiyfier is a d-

Wastin- hey hey now you go to sleep too

Jayce- but the-

Wastin and Tiyfier- hey hey now shhh sleep

(Opluralon and Jayce start falling asleep)

Wastin- (whispering) it always works

Tiyfier- (whispering) right

(So Tiyfier and Wastin are now whispering cause Opluralon and Jayce is sleeping)

Wastin- I cant believe we could never be here when we were younger

Tiyfier- right we always lived together

Wastin- yeah my dad is still mad at yours

Tiyfier- I'm mad at him too my mother is lovely and he had the audacity to still be married to her and cheat like wtf

Wastin- damn I wasn't even thinking of you I'm sorry Tiyfier

Tiyfier- it's okay but how do you feel?

Wastin- hurt I always looked up to your dad more than mine cause you know mines beat the shit out of me I-I just-t t-thoug-ght

Tiyfier- hey I'm here for you just breathe

Wastin- (breathes and sighs) (voice starts breaking) I'm just sad that he broke my heart and my moms cause he use to be (voice breaking badly) be- be-be in lov- (sighs) love.

Tiyfier- hey was

Wastin- (breathing low and crying)- he just wasn't always bad. He start taking pills and start getting mad. The alcohol raised his temper. The smoking mad him cranky. He'll leave on and off. But he still has everything he wants and is rich.

(Jayce and Opluralon wake up)

(Wastin wipes away his tears and sits up)

Wastin- aye we here (as best as he could as if he's happy)

Opluralon- fuck

Tiyfier- wow

Jayce- omggg

( This place was a park. The grand lake with the sky colors flow reflecting on it. The weather has a slight cold and has a warm breeze. The grass green as ever with little sunflowers. The trees different color leaves.)

(Everyone was stuck on nature's true beauty at night)

(The sky now being dark blue and baby blue , with the fluffy big white clouds, still being able to see the color of the leaves, the lake now reflecting clouds, sky, and the stars)

Jayce- it's so calming

Tiylence- yeah this is were we met.

He danced with me in the field back there and spin me into a roses so beautiful and kissed me.

(Everyone awww)

Jayce- so nice

Opluralon- and gentle

Tiylence- he made me my ring out of a diamond he's mother gave him

Opluralon- even sacrifice something he loved preciously to her

Jayce- awww

Tiylence- we got married in the right by the garden

(Everyone awwww)

Opluralon- must be nice

(Tiyfier is disappoint on how his dad cheated so he's hurt and Wastin can't stop thinking about his past)

Opluralon- well thank you for sharing that with us hopefully gave Tiyfier some ideas since he's planning the wedding

Tiylence- Oh Tiyfier you are?

Tiyfier- yes

Tiylence- awe so did your dad

Tiyfier- oh

Opluralon- soo do you still have your wedding dress?

Tiylence- yes and plenty more dresses that can look for the both of you

Jayce- the both?

Opluralon- yes bridesmaid 😭

Jayce- oh

Tiylence- lets go and the boys can go explore

Tiyfier- bye

Wastin- bye be safe

(The girls say you too and leave)

Wastin- well let's go explore some more

Tiyfier- man I will always love this car

Wastin- same

Tiyfier- so why you in your head?

Wastin- Just thought everything both of our dads did

Tiyfier- what did Rick do?

Wastin- Rick threw me out the house when I was 16 and didn't let me come back till I was 17 I was a plug for the whole year it's was crazy.

Tiyfier- I remember that's when my Dad stop being with your mom

Wastin- yeah I know he also broke her heart after Rick broke it

Tiyfier- He broke mine after he broke hers

Wastin- Tiyfier I didn't mean too I-I'm sorry

Tiyfier- I think I need some alone time

Wastin- okay just call me to come pick you up my ringer is on

Tiyfier- okay same

Wastin- alright be safe bro

Tiyfier- you too bro

(Tiyfier sits in a dark but open area which is beautiful)

( Tiyfier thoughts- Here I was all fucking alone hurt. In pain. How the fuck could he blame me for his mom heartbreak. I didn't find out until 2 days ago. When we had some time to talk. My emotions are all built up. Like really that bitch Mack beat my ass on the couch when I was drunk just to hear me say "I'm dumb". What. Why? He's my dad he would never. But then again I did see a video of him saying "fuck you, you as my son is sad as fuck". Then I remember when I was high he punch and left. He did beat my ass a couple times. But he wouldn't really hurt me would he??)

(The more Tiyfier thought about his dad the more he realize his dad is abusive mentally, physically, and verbally. That he manipulated him and his mom. Probably wants the family separate so he can divorce and leave with a different girl. Tiyfier is hurt and angry)

Tiyfier- hey Was can you come get me

Wastin- yeah I will

(Now we heard from Tiyfier but how about Wastin)

(Wastin thoughts- I'm just vibing to some Party next door then boom I hit a tree.)

Wastin- fuck are you kidding me a fucking tree

Some lady- hey are you okay?

Wastin- yeah just hit my head and ribs but not bad

Some lady- come in

Wastin- um no got anything that can help me fix my car?

Some lady- I said come in

Wastin- I said fuck no and bye now

(Wastin thoughts- did this bitch just knock me out. I woke up in her home. She on top of me saying now listen here you fucker this is medicine it'll help your bruises. "Fucker" really out of all cuss words you want to use fucker like I'm a dog. She got off me and gently rest me on her couch. She got some guy to fix my car and payed him. Gave me her number and her name (Lesay) and put it up in my car with a gift bag and aid kit. Then Tiyfier called me

Tiyfier- hey Was can you come get me

Wastin- yeah I will)

Wastin- hey Tiy hop in the front

Tiyfier - hey man

Wastin- hey I just wanted to say sorry I blamed you for something you can't control and didn't know about

Tiyfier- thanks man let's go back

(Tiy and Was went back to the castle but what's going on in the castle with the girls)

(Opluralon thoughts- getting a ride back to the castle on a horse was so pleasing I felt happy)

Opluralon- hey Jayce look at this dress

Jayce- cute but I was thinking about this one

Opluralon- omg this one

(Opluralon dress was white kind of long in the back. The front had small diamonds in a small design. The top of the front was off the shoulder with small and big diamonds. The design was like a rose and more roses going down the sleeves.)

Jayce- yessss

Tiylence- Now that is beautiful

Opluralon- yes I'm in love

Tiylence- now we need some jewelry

(Opluralon, Jayce, and Tiylence gets some jewelry)

(Opluralon necklace was a diamond butterfly , her hoops silver with diamonds, and nose ring with small butterflies on it)

Tiylence- so ladies is that all we need

(Opluralon and Jayce- yes!