Can you wish me death?

Ancunny " I can't lie to you anymore Angels and Jewelry these drugs and my past give me PTSD and my parents harmed me more than words can tie together" .

Angels "I'll put you in therapy and we'll start from there" .

Jewelry " Dad please don't give up just let things be how they are we all doing so good including you" .

Author Notes Ancunny mental state isn't in good at all if I can explain his mental through number 1 being terrible 10 being very damn good it would be 1 .

Ancunny " Jews I can tell you really don't understand mental health and what it's form into it's so mental physical that if I believed in God he couldn't save me sweetie" .

Jewelry " So what do you want out of life ? "

Ancunny's thoughts : sigh* I rather not respond to my daughter and wife with the answer I'm about to say in my head but I really just wish for death, it's been a long life and a long road I feel like if I was gone the bad memories were gone and the feels too maybe I would be decent . You see when life gets so dark that your purity set in life goes away because of bad shit that happens say for example you have 100 each day of purity for a year and each day it goes from 100 to 50 to 20 for each day for a year . Then your next year you have 20 for each day and that goes 20 to 10 to 5 for a year eventually you be at 5 to 3 to 1 .

My purity of my soul , mental , and heart been gone so for me to feel I would have to be with people who have purity inside them due to the fact I endure so much shit that's where I'm at .

Ancunny " Let's change the topic , okay. We can all speak about this another day" .

Angels " You mean let's avoid this problem before you have an outburst? "

Jews "I mean I agree with Dad" .


"Dad isn't someone who hides emotions in fact you are very open about hint hint * you just spoke up for yourself obviously you feel like you should look into your own emotions for your well being and dad is correct I don't know shit about emotions of another human , I really don't and I can't complain and I won't I'll agree and move on " .

Angels " do you feel like your father is hiding more than what Ancunny is letting on ? "

Jews " of course but personal still mean personal even for Dad and I'll respect boundaries no matter who it is " .

Ancunny " I couldn't thank both of you enough especially you Jews I appreciate your honesty and Angels I know you are just trying to be caring but damn Jews is saying what I didn't know I needed to say " .

Angels " we'll I mean she is our lovely being after all and I adore you Jews" .

Author note this scene really makes me want to cry such beautiful human beings but such a damn good family .