Hey everyone it's Ancunny I lost Angels.
It happen 7 months ago
Angels " ANCUNNY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS I SWEAR YOU JUST SO FUCKING CRAZY . When no one is looking at our relationship you treat me like shit . Your mother told you to take care of me when we became married and you lied to her and said yes . If you knew that I wasn't too good for you why would you put me in place by having sex with me the way you know I like it! Just to leave me each morning for "workkkk" knowing damn well you don't do shit for a living"
Ancunny " Like you aren't a piece of work, each day you took my soul knowing I don't have enough for you . Knowing that I stay here with Jews raising her . Knowing that I'm trying my hardest to find a job that suits your fucking needs . This is crazy (Ancunny says as Ancunny starts crying) . I only love you and Jews . But maybe it should of just been loving Jews and MYSELF! MAYBE THIS WHOLE TIME I JUST SHOULD OF LOVE ME AND NEVER MET YOU AT THAT BAR OR WHATEVER THE FUCK IT WAS! "
"So that's what you want Ancunny fine then look at my face for the last time and realize that you'll never see me again you little whore or you puss( yea I'm not continuing that word) .
With that Angels threw everything that she own in her care including our daughter Jews and left me all alone .
I could hear Jews but I want to be with DADDD . I heard Angels say HE CANT AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF YOU!
That was the last time I heard both of their voices .
I'm in prison I killed 20 people . 10 for a real reason . Then 10 more just to kill time .
I'm living a pretty nice life in here I have a lot of hoes .
I actually got one of my lady officers pregnant we have two kids now .
One boy and one girl .
The boy name - Toddy
Girl name - Ice
Yeah I know Ice sounds stupid but keep saying it and you'll love it .
"Ancunny you have a visitor now you know the rules you'll be in handcuffs holding hands is allowed but no sexual activity or kissing you have an hour"
"Hey dad I finally found you, it's been 17 fucking years you douchebag . Angels always said you didn't have any money to take care of me . But you were the top best drug dealer who sell to every rich ass person . Anyway Angels and I got into a hella bad physical fight and I left her alone . Finally I was on instagram and I seen a picture of you 20 mass murders by my dumbass father Ancunny . "
"Je-J-J-Jews you're here to see me , hey . Yes it's been a very long time I could've of sent you money, text you, and called you . But why would I ? I couldn't do shit for you when I wasn't in prison anyway "
" No you bastard you could have but YOU WERE BUSY KILLING FUCKING INNOCENT PEOPLE ! I waited so long to talk to you just to find you one day locked for life ! But that's not what I'm here to talk to you about Oph found Angels and killed her , Angels is dead because of your psychotic ass ex girlfriend . Does this information turn you on that my mother was stoned cold murder by your WEAK ASS EX! "
"Jews stop , of course I hate the fact that Oph killed Angels but don't worry . I already got men that kidnapped Oph and torture her then eventually will kill her . "
"No wonder why mom left you, YOU ARE JUST AS INSANE AS OPH . Guard take me the fuck out of HEREEEE . "
" I thought you love me no matter what Jews, I THOUGHT YOU WOULD, I READ ALL YOUR MESSAGES TELLING ME HOW MUCH YOU LOVE ME AND THAT I COULD KILL PEOPLE FOR NO REASONS AND YOU'LL still be my daughter…. I'm sorry Jews I hired Oph to kill Angels and it felt good and now for Oph I can get my revenge on her for FUCKING UP MY LIFE . I swear I hate all of you bastards looking at me but I love you my little Jews but right now in this world forever FOR FUCKING EVER I RATHER FREEZE ! " .
Hey everyone this concludes I Rather Freeze. I enjoyed writing this book so much. A lot of emotions and different story lines. Also happy new year as a gift I finish this book for you all. There's not going to be anymore books of I Rather Freeze the main character was about Tiyfier / Ancunny . How he went from Tiyfier with friends, a gf, and a lot of money to Ancunny the singer, poet , drug dealer, father, husband, to being in prison for being a complete mess after taking drugs and being completely soulless and just couldn't forgive himself that he ended up being executed in Antarctica in the freezing water. Saying yes I rather freeze as his last words. Ancunny also hinted this in the last sentence meaning he would die in the cold. This all I have for you this book is completed thank you for reading!