
I stood up when I heard her footsteps, I look around to see her approaching from down the stairs. Everything about her is beautiful. Her hair flows freely down her shoulders, her skin looks so soft and sensitive, her eyes are full of energy, she has a captivating smile, great personality, a temper, and all that. And all that makes her gorgeous. Her simplicity makes her more desirable and breathtaking.

I can't take my eyes off her until she's in front of me "Hi Adam." I love the way she pronounced my name as she owns it. And I don't give a damn if she does.

"Hi, Daisy," I said softly. Not wanting to tear my eyes away from her beautiful face "Mrs. Fleming, may I please borrow her for the night?" I asked sounding so corny.

Mrs. Fleming chuckled and Daisy graced me with a beautiful smile "Call me Catherine. And of course, just make sure to return her." we both laugh, and Daisy joined us. Her laughter is like music to my ears. And I'll cross miles and swim oceans just to hear it over and over again.

"Thank you, Catherine. I'll bring her home. I promise"

Catherine ushered us and reminded us to enjoy the night and to have fun. I sure will. "Gentleman, are we?" Daisy mocked me and sarcasm is evident on her face. I guided her to the car.

"I am Ms. Johnson."

I brought her to my favorite Italian restaurant around town, she gasps the moment we enter the place. There's nothing special in here before, not until I had the chance to bring her in. She looked around and I can see the amusement in her eyes. "How'd you know such a beautiful place?"

"I have good taste." I looked at her "Shall we?" I guided her towards our reserved table, pulled out the chair for her, and served her a glass of wine. We were served with our orders and we dined while listening to the soft ballad.

"Were you born here?" she asked that surprised me.

I shook my head "Nope. I grew up in New York. My family lives there too. I just transferred so I can work on a special case. What about you? Were you born here?"

She shook her head too. " No, to be honest, I don't know where I was born. I grew up in the Orphanage until Catherine took me under her wings."

"You mean, you've been in the orphanage since you were a baby?"

"Yes, Catherine said they found me crying under a bush behind the building. I was naked and cold. They took me in, fed me, dressed me, they taught me everything I should know and I owe them who I am today."

If I admire this woman before, even more so now. I don't hear a hint of sadness or regret in her voice it's pure gratitude. How can a person accept such a fate?

"Don't you wonder who your parents are?

She stopped slicing her steak and had a little thought about it "Hmm-mm..." she rubs her chin and looked up, making her so fucking adorable. "Nope. Maybe because I grew up with Catherine, and the fact she told me the truth as I grow up, I've become contented in knowing that someone went to the length of taking care of me when others couldn't."

"You're amazing, you know that?" I inched closer to her and she backed a little. We stared at each other for a while. She has these big brown eyes that sparkle and lashes that makes it more mesmerizing. "Dessert?" I smiled at her and she nodded. I backed away and called the waiter before I do something stupid.

"Okay, you won't get away with it. I won't let you." She placed her spoon beside her plate and I looked up at her. She leaned against the chair and crossed her arms over her chest then her eyes narrowed to a slit that made my eyebrow roll-up. "What's your story?"

"Are you that curious?" I chuckled.

She just shrugs. So, I looked around before I answered her. "Fine, my parents and younger sister live in New York. My parents own a few hotels and restaurants back there. My younger sister is in college now. I grew up there, studied there too, and like what I told you before, I transferred here a year back for a special case."

"How old are you?" she asked.

I chuckled and looked at her "How old do you think?"

"Hmm. Thirty."

I laughed but her face remains serious "Do I look that old to you? I'm twenty-seven."

"Fine. What's your hobby?"

This girl is a total cutie "Is that necessary? You should be asking me if I have a girlfriend."

"Do you?" I heard the urgency in her voice and I swear I caught her red-handed "I mean, you won't ask me to dinner if you have one, or two. Oh, forget it, you don't need to an-"

"No. I don't have a girlfriend." I became serious and just stared at her.

"Hah," she laughed nervously.

"Now you won't get away with it. Do you have a boyfriend?" I know she doesn't have a boyfriend. She's not the type of girl who would go out with another guy if she's already committed, but for the sake of hearing it from her, I asked.

She shook her head "Nope. We broke up a few weeks back."


She started laughing and it surprised me how she can laugh comfortably around me. "Not more than you no."

"Hey, is it your mission to make me feel bad all the time?"

"Oops, sorry."

We finished our meal and talk some more but I noticed her eyes drooping, so I told her I need to take her home. "Can we walk for a while?" She asked.

"But you're tired."

She shook her head and yawn. "No, I'm not. I can still walk."

I chuckled and took my jacket to cover her shoulders. It's near Christmas and it's freezing. "Fine. But you have to let me know if you want to go home."

She just nodded and we started walking down the road to the seaside. We walk in silence. I wanted to know what's inside her head. I wanted to know what she thought of me, of this night. I wanted to know her world and everything about her.

When we reached the seaside, she just stared ahead and was instantly lost to the peace the waves are giving us. I just let her. I let her get lost in her thoughts and I watch her silently.

The water sparkles with all the lights that reflect it. You can also see the lights coming from a cruise ship from afar.

"Sometimes, I wonder what's behind those lights," she said softly.

I looked in the direction of her eyes and saw the bright lights on the horizon "Another state perhaps. Have you been somewhere else aside from this town?"

"No. I wanted to, but I can't leave Catherine alone."

"Any reasons?" I asked.

"She's been through a hard time. She took care of me, it's only fair that I take care of her too." It's the first time I heard the sadness in her voice. I wanted to ask more but I decided against it. If she wants me to know, she'll tell me.

"Come on, I'll take you home." we walk back to the restaurant not too far to get my car. She fell asleep all the way home so I didn't wake her until I saw her house.

"Daisy" I rubbed her cheek with my thumb softly and she flapped her lids.

"Did I drool?" she asked, wiping the corner of her mouth and it made me chuckle.

"No, but almost." I teased. She pouted and composed herself.

"Thank you for tonight." she whispered "and thank you for my car." she looked at her car in their driveway way and I saw the glint in her eyes.

"No problem."

"Good Night Adam." She said softly before she opened the car door.

"Good Night Daisy," I whispered to myself. She went inside and glance at me before she shut the door behind her.

That night in bed, I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I can see her. It's just one of the many sleepless nights since the day I met her. I can still hear her laughter. I can still see her smile. I can still see the glint in her eyes and the crest in the corner of her lips. I took a deep breath and I remember the night I saw her in that club. She's so beautiful I have to run after her.

When I saw her emerged from the restroom, another girl grabbed her and they started running. I never thought she would have a pill in her and I felt a bit disappointed when I thought she'd been using. I'm just so glad she never did. I can't imagine her being that girl. Lifeless body. Robbed of her life and her future.

I never believed in fate, but I know there's a reason why I met her. I won't stop until I find out.